What does ‘Anterior’ mean?
In front of; toward the front surface.
What does ‘Posterior’ mean?
In back of; toward the back surface.
What does ‘Dorsal’ mean?
Toward the back side of the human body.
What does ‘Ventral’ mean?
Toward the belly side of the human body.
What does ‘Superior’ mean?
Closer to the head.
What does ‘Inferior’ mean?
Closer to the feet.
What does ‘Cranial’ mean?
Toward the head end.
What does ‘Caudal’ mean?
Toward the rear or tail end.
What does ‘Rostral’ mean?
Toward the nose or mouth.
What does ‘Medial’ mean?
Toward the mid-line of the body.
What does ‘Lateral’ mean?
Away from the mid-line of the body.
What does ‘Ipsilateral’ mean?
On the same side.
What does ‘Contralateral’ mean?
On the opposite side.
What does ‘Deep’ mean?
Closer to the inside, internal to another structure.
What does ‘Superficial’ mean?
Closer to the outside, external to another structure.
What does ‘Proximal’ mean?
Closer to the point of attachment to the trunk.
What does ‘Distal’ mean?
Farther away from the point of attachment to the trunk.