Ch 9 Pathoma Respiratory Tract Pathology (9.3-End) Flashcards
Pneumonia is a ___ of the ___. It occurs when normal defenses are impaired. Name 3 normal defenses
infection; lung parenchyma; 1) cough reflex; 2) mucociliary escalator; 3) mucus plugging
Name 6 clinical features of pneumonia
1) fever and chills; 2) productive cough with yellow-green (pus) or rusty (bloody) sputum; 3) tachypnea w/pleuritic chest pain (bradykinin and PGE2); 4) decreased breath sounds; 5) dullness to percussion; 6) elevated WBC
Diagnosis of pneumonia is made in these 3 ways
1) chest xray; 2) sputum gram stain and culture; 3) blood cultures
Name the 3 patterns of pneumonia classically seen on chest X-ray (and what typically causes them)
1) lobar pneumonia; 2) bronchopneumonia; 3) interstitial pneumonia; (1 and 2 are usually bacterial, and 3 is usually viral)
Lobar pneumonia is characterized by ___ of a ___. Usually bacterial/viral/fungal. Most common causes are ___ (95%) and ___.
consolidation; entire lobe of the lung; bacterial; strep pneumo; Klebsiella pneumoniae
Name the 4 classic gross phases of lobar pneumonia (and what causes that)
1) congestion (due to congested vessels and edema); 2) red hepatization (due to exudate, neutrophils, and hemorrhage filling the alveolar air spaces, giving normally spongy lung a solid consistency; 3) gray hepatization (due to degradation of red cells in exudate); 4) resolution
Bronchopneumonia is characterized by ___ centered around ___. Often focal/multifocal and unilateral/bilateral. Caused by a variety of bacterial/viral/fungal organisms
scattered patchy consolidation; bronchioles; multifocal; bilateral; bacterial
Interstitial (___) pneumonia is characterized by ___. Presents with mild/moderate/severe ___ symptoms (minimal ___ and low __). “___” presentation. Caused by bacteria/virus/fungal infxn.
atypical; diffuse interstitial infiltrates (inflammation in wall of alveolar air sacs without consolidation); mild; upper respiratory; sputum; fever; atypical; bacteria and virus
Aspiration pneumonia is seen in pts at risk for ___ (e.g. __ and __ pts). Most often due to ___ in the ___. Name 3 common organisms. Classically resents in a right/left upper/lower lobe __.
aspiration; alcoholics; comatose; anaerobic bacteria; oropharynx; 1) Bacteroides; 2) fusobacterium; 3) peptococcus; right lower; abscess (anatomically the right main stem bronchus branches at a less acute angle than the left)
What is the most common cause of community-acquired pneumonia? In what patient age group is it seen in? What kind of pneumonia does it form?
Streptococcus pneumoniae (95%); middle-aged adults and elderly; lobar pneumonia
What is the most common cause of secondary pneumonia? What is the 2nd most common cause of secondary pneumonia? What kind of pneumonia do they cause?
Strep pneumo (lobar); staph aureus (bronchopneumonia)
Klebsiella pneumoniae is __ flora that is ___. It affects __ and ___ individuals, especially these 3 groups. It has a ___, which results in a ___ sputum (___). Often complicated by ___. It forms __ pneumonia
enteric; aspirated; malnourished; debilitated; elderly in nursing homes; alcoholics; diabetics; thick mucoid capsule; gelatinous; currant jelly; abscess; lobar
Staph aureus forms ___ pneumonia. It is the 2nd most common cause of ___. Often complicated by __ or ___.
bronchopneumonia; secondary pneumonia; abscess; empyema (pus in pleural space)
Name 5 organisms that cause bronchopneumonia
1) staph aureus; 2) haemophilus influenzae; 3) pseudomonas aeruginosa; 4) moraxella catarrhalis; 5) legionella pneumophila
Haemophilus influenzae forms __ pneumonia. It is a common cause of ___ and ___.
bronchopneumonia; secondary pneumonia; pneumonia superimposed on COPD (leads to exacerbation of COPD)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa forms __ pneumonia. It is seen in ___ patients.
bronchopneumonia; cystic fibrosis
Moraxella catarrhalis forms __ pneumonia. It is a common cause of ___ pneumonia and ___.
bronchopneumonia; community-acquired; pneumonia superimposed on COPD (leads to COPD exacerbation)
Legionella pneumophila forms ___ pneumonia. It is a common cause of ___ pneumonia, pneumonia ___, or pneumonia in ___. It is transmitted from ___. It is an extracellular/intracellular organism best visualized by ___.
bronchopneumonia; community acquired; superimposed on COPD; immunocompromised states; water source; intracellular; silver stain
What is the most common cause of walking pneumonia? Who does it usually affect?
Mycoplasma pneumoniae; young adults
Complications of mycoplasma pneumoniae atypical pneumoniae includes __ and __. How does it gram stain?
autoimmune hemolytic anemia (IgM against i antigen on RBCs causes cold hemolytic anemia); erythema multiforme; Not visible on gram stain due to lack of cell wall
What is the second most cause of atypical pneumonia in young adults? What is the most common cause of atypical pneumonia in infants? What causes atypical pneumonia in post transplant immunosuppressive therapy?
chlamydia pneumoniae; respiratory syncytial virus (RSV); CMV
Influenza virus causes ___ pneumonia in the __, __, and those with ___. It also increases risk for ____.
atypical pneumonia; elderly; immunocompromised; preexisting lung disease; superimposed S aureus or H influenzae bacterial pneumonia (thats what will kill you)
___ causes atypical pneumonia with high fever (__ fever). Seen in __ and ___.
Coxiella burnetti; Q; farmers, veterinarians
Coxiella is a ___ organism but it is distinct from most of those because of thee 3 reasons.
rickettsial; 1) causes pneumonia; 2) does not require arthropod vector transmission (survives as highly heat-resistant endospores); 3) does not produce a skin rash
Name 6 causes of interstitial (atypical) pneumonia
1) mycoplasma pneumoniae; 2) chlamydia pneumoniae; 3) respiratory syncytial virus; 4) CMV; 5) influenza virus; 6) coxiella burnetti
Tuberculosis is due to ____ of aerosolized ___. ___ TB arises with initial exposure.
inhalation; mycobacterium tuberculosis; primary
Primary TB results in __, ___ in the upper/lower lobe of the __ and __ that undergoes __ and __, forming a __ complex. Primary TB is generally symptomatic/asymptomatic, and causes a positive/negative PPD
focal, caseating necrosis; lower; lung; hilar lymph nodes; fibrosis; calcification; Ghon; asymptomatic; positive
Secondary TB arises with ___ of ___. Reactivation is commonly due to __, but may also be seen with __. Reactivation occurs at apex/base of lung. Forms cavitary foci of ___. May also lead to ___ or ___.
reactivation; Mycobacterium tuberculosis; AIDS; aging; apex (relatively poor lymphatic drainage and high oxygen tension); caseous necrosis; miliary pulmonary TB; tuberculous bronchopneumonia.
Clinical features of secondary TB include these 4
1) fever; 2) night sweats; 3) cough with hemoptysis; 4) weight loss
Biopsy of secondary TB reveals ___. When you see that on the differential is TB and ___. ___ stain reveals ___.
caseating granulomas; fungi; AFB; acid fast bacilli
Systemic spread of secondary TB often occurs and can involve ___. Common sites include these 4.
any tissue; 1) meningies (meningitis - often at base of brain); 2) cervical lymph nodes; 3) kidneys (most common; causes sterile pyuria); 4) lumbar vertebrae (Pott disease)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a group of diseases characterized by ____. The lung does not ___, and __ is trapped.
airway obstruction; empty; air
In COPD the volume of air that can be forcefully expired (__) is increased/decreased, especially during the first second of expiration (___). The ___ ratio is increased/decreased. Total lung capacity (TLC) is usually increased/decreased due to ___.
FVC; decreased; FEV1; FEV1:FVC; decreased (FEV1 is decreased more than the FVC is decreased!); increased; air trapping
Chronic bronchitis is a chronic ___ lasting at least __ over minimum of ___. Highly associated with ___. Characterized by ___ of ___, which leads to increased thickness of ___ relative to ___ (__ index increases to greater than __%; normal is less than __%).
productive cough; 3 months; 2 years; smoking; hypertrophy; bronchial mucinous glands; mucus glands; bronchial wall thickness; Reid; 50; 40
Name 3 clinical features of chronic bronchitis
1) productive cough due to excessive mucus production; 2) cyanosis (‘blue bloaters’), mucus plug trap CO2, leading to inc PaCO2 and dec PaO2; 3) increased risk of infxn and cor pulmonale (hypoxemic vasoconstriction leads to inc pHTN - RV hypertrophy - R sided HF)
Emphysema is the destruction of ___. There is a loss of ___ and there is ___ of airways during inhalation/exhalation, which results in __ and __.
alveolar air sacs; elastic recoil; collapse; exhalation; obstruction; air trapping
Emphysema is due to an imbalance of __ and __. Inflammation in the lung normally leads to release of ___ by ___ and ___. ____ neutralizes ___ (what is released).
proteases; anti-proteases; proteases; neutrophils; macrophages; alpha1-antitrypsin (A1AT); proteases.
What are the two pathways that result in emphysema and who gets which kind?
1) Excessive inflammation (smokers) 2) lack of A1AT (A1AT deficiency pts)
In emphysema, pollutants in smoke lead to excessive ___ and ___-mediated damage. It results in ___ emphysema that is most severe in the ___.
inflammation; protease; centriacinar; upper lobes
A1AT deficiency is a common/rare cause of emphysema. The lack of __ leaves the __ vulnerable to __-mediated damage. It results in __ emphysema that is most severe in the ___. ___ may also be present
rare; antiprotease; air sacs; protease; panacinar; lower lobes; liver cirrhosis
A1AT deficiency is due to ___ of the mutated protein. Mutant A1AT accumulates in the ___ of ___, resulting in ___. Biopsy reveals ___, ___-positive globules in ___.
misfolding; endoplasmic reticulum; hepatocytes; liver damage; pink; PAS; hepatocytes
___ is the normal allele for A1AT. Usually two copies are expressed (___). ___ is the most common clinically relevant mutation, which results in significantly low levels of circulating ___. ___ heterozygotes are usually ___, with decreased levels of __, but at risk for emphysema with __. __ homozygotes are at significant risk for ___ and ___.
PiM; PiMM; PiZ; A1AT; PiMZ; asymptomatic; smoking; PiZZ; panacinar emphysema; cirrhosis
Name 5 clinical features of emphysema
1) dyspnea and cough with minimal sputum; 2) prolonged expiration with pursed lips (pink-puffer); 3) weight loss; 4) increased anterior-posterior diameter of chest (‘barrel chest’); 5) hypoxemia (due to destruction of capillaries in alveolar sac) and cor pulmonale are late complications
Asthma is reversible/irreversible airway ___, most often due to ___ (___ asthma). Presents in ___, and is often associated with these 3 things.
reversible; bronchoconstriction; allergic stimuli; atopic; childhood; 1) allergic rhinitis; 2) eczema; 3) family hx of atopy
In asthma (type__ hypersensitivity), allergens induce __ phenotype in CD_+ T cells of genetically susceptible individuals. __ cells secrete these 3 cytokines
I; Th2; 4; Th2; IL-4, IL-5, IL-10
What does IL-4, 5, and 10 do?
IL-4: mediates class switch to IgE IL-5: attracts eosinophils IL-10: stimulates Th2 cells and inhibits
In asthma, reexposure to allergen leads to __-mediated activation of __ cells. In the early phase reaction, there is release of preformed ___ granules and generation of these 3 leukotrienes, which lead to __, __ and ___
Ig-E; mast; histamine; C4, D4, E4; bronchoconstriction; inflammation; edema