Ch. 9 - Methods Of Data Collection Flashcards
Six Major Methods of Data Collection
- Tests - standardized and researcher constructed for specific purposes
- Questionnaires - self-report survey instruments
- Interviews - researcher interviews participants
- Focus Group - small group discussion led by moderator who keeps group focused
- Observation - looking at what people do
- Existing on Constructed and Secondary Data - archived data and existing data left behind for other purpose
Fundamental Principle of Mixed Research
Researchers should mix methods and other paradigm characteristics to provide complimentary strengths and non-overlapping weaknesses.
Tables provided for each method of data collection for comparisons of strengths and weaknesses.
Tests - Ch. 7
Commonly used in research to measure personality, aptitude, achievement and performance.
Remember to use existing tests when available.
Sources for tests:
TIP - Tests in Print
MMM - Mini Mental Measurements
Questionnaires - Ch. 8
Self-report data collection instrument completed by participant.
Use principles and advice in last chapter to construct good questionnaire.
Interviews - Ch. 9
Interviewer asks interviewee questions and records responses.
Conducted in person or by phone.
Building trust and rapport is important.
Probing is used to reach clarity and gain more information.
Standard probing questions:
- Is there anything else?
- Any other reasons?
- What do you mean?
Interviews are a key component of qualitative research: open-ended, 3 types
Quantitative interviews:
- Are standardized
- Include closed ended questions
- Exhibit 8.1 shows a typical phone interview
- Interviewer reads questions to interviewees, records answer, and probes
Tips for Conducting Effective Interviews
Table 8.2
- Be Well Trained - Make sure all interviewers are well trained
- Be Well Prepared - Do background homework on the interviewees so that you will know a little about the people you will be interviewing
- Establish Rapport - Establish rapport and trust with interviewee
- Be Empathetic and Neutral - Be empathetic and remain neutral toward the content of what the interviewee says
- Be Interested - Use gentle nonverbal head nods and verbal “um-hms” to show your interest in what the interviewee says
- Be Reflexive - Be reflexive (monitor yourself)
- Minimize Talking - Make sure the interviewee is doing most of the talking, not you
- Be Sensitive - Be sensitive to gender, age, and cultural differences between you and the interviewee
- Be Clear - Make sure the interviewee understands exactly what you are asking
- Allow Enough Time - Provide sufficient time for the interviewee to answer each question
- Stay Focused - Maintain control of the interview and keep it focused
- Probe - Utilize probes and follow up questions to gain clarity and depth of responses
- Be Efficient - Maintain a respect for the interviewees valuable time
- Record It - Typically, you should tape record an interview
- Check Your Notes - After an interview is completed, check your notes for quality and completeness
3 Types of Qualitative Interviews
- Informal Conversational:
- Spontaneous
- Loosely structured, no set protocol used - Interview Guide:
- More structured than Informal Conversational
- Includes protocol listing open-ended questions
- Questions are asked in any order
- Wording can be changed by interviewer - Standardized Open-Ended:
- Open-ended questions on interview protocol
- Questions asked in exact order on protocol
- Wording cannot be changed
Focus Groups
Group moderator keeps homogeneous group (6-12 people) focused on discussion of research topic.
Sessions last 1-3 hours.
Discussion is recorded.
Effective for exploring ideas and obtaining in-depth information.
Researcher observes participants in natural and or structured environments.
Important to collect observational data in addition to self-report data.
What people say is not always what they do.
Two types:
- Laboratory Observation - done in lab set up by researcher
- Naturalistic Observation - done in real world setting
Tips for Conducting Fieldwork
Table 9.4
- Well Trained - Make sure all observers are well trained, good note takers and know how to fit into diverse situations
- Well Prepared - Do background homework on people and cultures to be observed
- Be Sensitive - Be sensitive to gender, age, and cultural differences between you and people being observed
- Establish Rapport - Establish rapport and trust with gatekeepers and informants
- Don’t Make False Promises - Don’t promise anything to anyone in the setting that you cannot or should not deliver
- Be Reflexive - Be reflexive (monitor yourself)
- Fit In - Be unobtrusive (try to fit in)
- Stay Alert - Remain alert at all times, and pay attention to anything that may be important
- Record It - Find an effective way to record what is being observed (field notes or av recorders)
- Corroborate It - Try to corroborate anything important that you see, hear or learn about
- Capture Interviews - Conduct opportunistic interviews while you are in the field when possible
- Be Empathetic and Neutral - Be empathetic, but also remain neutral to the content of what people say to you
- Vary Settings - Make observations in multiple and disparate settings
- Be Detailed - Include descriptive detail in your field notes. Get direct quotes when possible. Include your own insights and interpretations when they arise, but keep them separate from the description and verbatim quotes
- Be Thorough - Observe and record characteristics of the setting and context, interpersonal interactions, significant behaviors, verbal and nonverbal communication, formal and informal interactions, what does not happen, power and status hierarchy in the group, and anything else that seems important to you at the time
- Allow Time - Spend sufficient time in field to collect useful data and allow for corroboration of your findings
- Be Diligent - When you leave field, immediately write up your field notes so that you don’t forget what you gave seen, heard and experienced
Quantitative Observation
Standardized and produces quantitative data.
The following can be standardized:
- who is observed
- what is observed
- when observation takes place
- where observation tajes place
- how observation takes place
Standardized instruments may include a checklist.
Sampling procedures:
- time interval (first minute of each 30 minute period)
- event (when the teacher asks a question)
Qualitative Observation
Exploratory and open-ended
Researcher takes extensive field notes
No checklist used
Four Roles of Qualitative Observer
- Complete participant - full member of group, does not inform participants
- Participant-as-observer - spend extended time “inside” and inform participants
- Observer-as-participant - spend limited time “inside” and inform participants
- Complete observer - observe from “outside” and does not inform participants
Constructed Data
Objects and things produced by research participants during the research study.
Eg, drawings, worked math problems, etc.
Secondary and Existing Data
Originally used for a different purpose.
- Personal documents - written and recorded for private purposes such as letters, diaries, family photos
- Official documents - written and recorded by organizations such as newspapers, annual reports, yearbooks, meeting minutes
- Physical data - any material thing created or left by humans such as trash, graffiti, roadways, Dna
- Archived research data - collected by other researchers and later shared
Method of Data Collection
How a researcher obtains empirical data.