Ch 9 - Exploring the Farmer's Field Flashcards
True or false: All fields are alike
What do we call the top layer of soil?
the topsoil
What do we call the layer of soil beneath the topsoil?
the subsoil
Describe the topsoil
Topsoil is ususally dark in colour and rich in minerals.
Describe the subsoil
The subsoil is usually lighter in colour because there are fewer minerals in it.
When plants grow well in soil, we say that soil is…
Sometimes the famer helps the soil by putting this on the fields to return minerals that the plants take out.
What is another way in which farmers can take care of the soil in their fields?
They can rotate their crops.
How does crop rotation help the soil?
Some crops put minerals back into the soil that other crops take out.
What do we call the loss of soil by water or wind?
soil erosion
What do we call small ditches where soil has been washed away?
What can a farmer do to help keep the soil from washing away?
He can keep his fields planted.
Do earthworms help farmers?
How does the earthworm’s tunnel help the soil?
The tunnel allows air and water to get into the soil.
How else does the earthworm enrich the soil?
It eats tiny pieces of dead plants and produces waste that enriches the soil.
Is the mole helpful or harmful to the farmer?
It is harmful because it ploughs underground, killing the roots of plants and destroying crops.
What job does the shrew do for the farmer?
It eats three times its weight in harmful insects each day.
How can skunks help the farmer?
They eat harmful insects, mice, and rats.
Why did God give the field mouse so many enemies?
It eats and destroys about 25 pounds of the farmer’s crops each year.