Ch. 9-B Special Senior NCO Positions Flashcards
The NCO in this special senior NCO position will advise the commander on morale, discipline, and the professional development of airmen.
He or she ensures airman understand the commanders policies and objectives and reviews all in listed performance reports, decoration recommendations, and other personnel actions.
First sergeant
First sergeants provide a dedicated focal point for readiness, health, morale, welfare, and quality of life issues within their organization.
They derive their authority from:
The commander
First sergeants where distinctive Chevron’s with _______ in the center.
A diamond
NCOs in this special senior NCO position our chief Master Sergeant’s who are the invested leaders at the group level.
They resolve issues between subordinate squadrons, other groups, wing staff, and outside agencies as well as perform other duties as directed by the group commander.
Group superintendents
This special senior NCO position is filled by senior NCOs Who lead the enlisted schools and academies.
Enlisted Academy commandant
Who provides leadership, guidance, and direction to PME faculty support staff as well as short and long-term strategic planning and policy formulation and implementation for enlisted PME schools.
The vice commandant, Thomas N. Barnes Center for enlisted education
What special senior NCO position is responsible for managing in the stable career fields for a MAJCOM and serves as the MAJCOMliaison for their respective Air Force career field managers?
Enlisted MAJCOM functional manager
Enlisted MAJCOM functional managers manage in listed career fields for the MAJCOM and:
Disseminate Air Force and career field policies and program requirements
Coordinate with AFPC to distribute personnel throughout the MAJCOM
Provide subject matter expertise to AETC Training managers
This special senior NCO position is typically occupied by a chief Master Sergeant located at headquarters Air Force and is responsible for organizing and managing one or more in listed career fields
Air Force career field manager
This special senior NCO position is occupied by the senior enlisted leader in a wing, numbered Air Force, major command, direct reporting unit, field operating agency, Or other similar organization and is responsible for advising commanders and staff on the health, morale, and welfare of the commands enlisted, and takes action to addressshort falls or challenges
Command chief Master Sergeant
Which special senior NCO position exists in a wing, numbered Air Force, major command, direct reporting unit, field operating agency, or other similar organizations and is the functional managerfor group superintendents and first sergeant’s in their organizations?
Command chief Master Sergeant
Command chief Master Sergeant’s where distinctive Chevron’s with _________ in the center.
A star
Although the Marine Corps created the position of sergeant major of the Marine Corps in 1957 and the Army created the position of sergeant major of the army in 1965, the Air Force did not establish the position of chief Master sergeant of the Air Force until:
The first person to hold the position of chief Master sergeant of the Air Force was:
Paul W. Airey
The chief Master sergeant of the Air Force wears distinctive Chevron’s with:
And the eagle between two stars and a wreath around the lower star
Who’s efforts help to produce the weighted airman promotion system (WAPS) which was adopted in 1970?
Paul W. Airey
Which chief Master sergeant of the Air Force campaigned for and refined the newly established waited airman promotion system, garnered continued flight pay for NCOs attending in residence PME, And worked toward equal per diem for enlisted and officers?
Donald L. Harlow
Who was the first Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force with direct Vietnam experience in the first African-American to serve and the highest enlisted post of a military service?
Thomas N. Barnes
Which chief Master sergeant in the Air Force worked to ensure equality among the ranks and races and helped establish the Air Force social actions program in 1969?
Thomas N. Barnes