Ch. 8 - Your Responsibilities Flashcards
CAR 91.11 - radio equipment
States that no person, other than the crew, may operate, tamper, or interfere with the equipment in an aircraft. Since radio equipment falls within this category it is not permissible for non-crew members to operate the aircraft radio(s) unless the person has successfully passed the flight radiotelephony examination; or is undergoing training for the qualification.
CAR 61.153 - exams
States that a candidate for the issue of the Private Pilot Licence (PPL) must have passed written examinations in a number of subjects including the Flight Radio Telephony subject.
CAR 61.11 - language proficient assessment
Language proficiency assessment - states that an applicant for a helicopter or pilot licence, must have sufficient ability to understand and communicate in the English language. This applies to ALL persons flying in New Zealand.
What language proficiency level is less than acceptable to hold a pilots license
Level 4 language proficiency assessment
Operational - is the minimum acceptable proficiency level and achievement of this demonstrates that the applicant can effectively communicate by radio with accuracy and clarity, be able to exchange messages under normal and unexpected circumstances, and use a dialect that is intelligible.
Level 5 language proficiency assessment
Extended - indicates a better level of proficiency
Level 6 language proficiency assessment
Expert - is the highest level
Level 6 proficiency demonstration
Involves a short telephone assessment. Should the candidate not meet the criteria of the Level 6 Demonstration on the first attempt, a telephoned Formal Language Evaluation would be undertaken to establish the actual level of proficiency.
How long is a level 4 endorsement valid for
3 years
How long is a level 5 endorsement valid for
6 years
How long is a level 6 endorsement valid for
What must an applicant have before taking the language proficiency test
CAR 61.105 - cross country requirements
Cross country requirements - requires that a student pilot undertaking cross-country navigation flight shall have passed the FRTO written exam and shall have a logbook certification from an A or B-category instructor indicating that the person has shown competency in the operation of aircraft radio equipment. If a student pilot has not undergone training for the approved cross-country phase, the issue of the FRTO qualification is subject to the person having passed the written exam for the subject and having demonstrated competency in operating the radio equipment during a flight test conducted by an A or B-category flight instructor.
Responsibility for radio communications
You as POC of the aircraft have the responsibility for communications. It is important to understand that no unauthorised persons may operate the radio equipment fitted in your aircraft
What are the appropriate frequencies for your listening watch
- The Air Traffic Control unit responsible for the controlled airspace
- The Air Traffic Control unit providing the aerodrome control service at controlled aerodromes
- The Flight Service Station providing the Aerodrome Flight Information Service at aerodromes equipped with such a service
- The ATS unit providing Flight Information Service for operations outside controlled airspace;
- The UNICOM service commonly associated with Mandatory Broadcast Zones
- 119.1 MHz or the specified frequency for operations at, and in the vicinity of, uncontrolled aerodromes.
Unauthorised transmissions
- Containing profane or obscene language
- Of a deceptive or false nature
- Involving the improper use of the callsign of another aircraft or station
- That do not pertain to operational requirements
- Of a personal nature.
Secrecy of communications
You are not allowed to divulge, unless authorised to do so, the text of any radio message you may have received. It is most important that you bear this requirement in mind. You will undoubtedly overhear messages occasionally, which contain information of a confidential nature.