ch 8 - learning Flashcards
What are instincts?
Inborn patterns of behaviour elicited by environmental stimuli.
What are fixed action patterns?
Instinctive behaviours that, once begun, run until completion.
What is learning?
A relatively permanent change in behaviour (or in the capacity for behaviour) due to experience.
What is associative learning?
Occurs when we form associations among stimuli, behaviours, or both.
What is classical conditioning?
Associations are formed between pairs of stimuli that occur sequentially in time.
What is operant conditioning?
Associations are formed between behaviours and their consequences.
What is nonassociative learning?
Involves changes in the magnitude of responses to a single stimulus rather than the formation of connections between stimuli.
What is habituation?
A simple form of learning in which reactions to repeated stimuli that are unchanging and harmless decrease.
Basically becoming desensitized to something.
What is sensitization?
An increased reaction to many stimuli following exposure to one strong stimulus.
Basically becoming more hyperaware.
What is observational learning?
Also known as social learning or modelling, it occurs when one organism learns by watching the actions of another organism.
What is implicit learning?
Learning that occurs in the absence of awareness.
What is explicit learning?
Learning that involves conscious awareness.
What is the unconditioned stimulus (UCS) in classical conditioning?
A stimulus that elicits a response without prior experience.
What is the unconditioned response (UCR) in classical conditioning?
A reaction that doesn’t need to be learned.
What is the conditioned stimulus (CS) in classical conditioning?
An environmental event whose significance is learned through classical conditioning.
What is the conditioned response (CR) in classical conditioning?
Learned reactions.
What is acquisition in classical conditioning?
The development of a learned response.
What is extinction in classical conditioning?
The reduction of a learned response when the UCS no longer follows the CS.
What is spontaneous recovery?
The reappearance of CRs after periods of rest.
What is inhibition in classical conditioning?
A CS predicts the non-occurrence of an UCS.
Example: When you shock rats while shining light, they associate the light with a shock.
What is generalization in classical conditioning?
The tendency to respond to stimuli that are similar to an original CS.