Ch. 7.1. The control of movement Flashcards
Why do we move the eye muscles with greater precision than the biceps muscles?
Which transmitter causes a skeletal muscle to contract?
In what way are fish movements impaired in cold water?
Although a fish can move rapidly in cold water, it fatigues easily.
Duck breast muscles are red (“dark meat”), whereas chicken
breast muscles are white. Which species probably can fly for a longer time before fatiguing?
Ducks can fly great distances, as they often do during migration. The white muscle of a chicken breast has the power necessary to get a heavy body off the ground, but it fatigues rapidly.
Chickens seldom fly far
If you hold your arm straight out and someone pulls it down slightly, it quickly bounces back. Which proprioceptor is responsible?
The muscle spindle
What is the function of Golgi tendon organs?
Golgi tendon organs respond to muscle tension and thereby prevent excessively strong muscle contractions.
2 proprioceptors
The muscle spindle
The Golgi tendon organs
Difference between ballistic movements and movements corrected by feedback?
A ballistic movement, such as a reflex, is executed as a whole: Once initiated, it cannot be altered.
However, most behaviors are subject to feedback cor- rection. For example, when you thread a needle, you make a slight movement, check your aim, and then readjust.
A fixed sequence of movements is called?
A motor program. In humans examples are yawn, smile, rised eyebrows (and nonromantic hugs?? )
3 types of muscles in vertebrates
smooth, skeletal, and cardiac muscles
After acetylcholine causes a flexor muscle to move your hand toward your shoulder, what would move it the other direction?
Acetylcholine causes the extensor muscle to contract.
mammals’ slow-twitch muscle fibers are aerobic, therefore they … ?
they do not fatigue rapidly
What determines the rhythm of a cat’s scratching movements, or the wet dog shakes?
A set of neurons in the spinal cord