Ch. 7 Vocab Flashcards
What is reproduction ?
property of life
What are clones ?
Offspring genetically identical
What is Binary Fission
Parent divides (mitosis) into 2 parts
What is Multiple Fission ?
i. Schizogony (schizo = split)
ii. Nucleus divides repeatedly, then cytoplasm
iii. Many daughter cells
What is Budding ?
i. Unequal division
ii. Bud = outgrowth of parent
iii. Develops organs, then detaches
iv. Occurs in cnidarians, some other animal phyla
What is gemmulation ?
i. Cell aggregation forms new individual
ii. Resistant capsule (gemmule)
What is fragmentation?
i. Multicellular animal fragments
ii. Each becomes new animal
iii. Many anemones
What is Parthenogenesis?
i. Embryo develops from either 1. Unfertilized egg
2. Egg where male and female nuclei fail to unite
ii. Avoids costs of bringing two sexes together
iii. Narrows diversity - limits possible adaptations
iv. Two basic forms
What is Ameiotic parthenogenesis?
i. No meiosis
ii. Egg forms by mitosis
What is Meiotic parthenogenesis
i. Meiosis forms haploid ovum
ii. No fusion of male nucleus with female
1. Sperm absent, or present only for egg activation
iii. Diploidy restored by chromosomal duplication or autogamy (rejoining of haploid nuclei)
What is Haplodiploidy?
i. Bees, wasps and ants
ii. Queen controls egg fertilization
iii. Fertilized eggs → female workers or queens iv. Unfertilized eggs → drones (parthenogenesis)
chromosomal duplication or autogamy?
rejoining of haploid nuclei
What is Bisexual Reproduction?
b. Two genetically different parents
c. Generally, organisms are dioecious
i. Separate sexes (male or female)
1. Each has gonads
What is Hermaphroditism?
a. Individual has male and female organs (monoecious)
b. Many sessile, burrowing and/or endoparasitic invertebrates
c. Most avoid self-fertilization
i. Exchange gametes
d. Each individual produces eggs
i. Potentially twice as productive as dioecious species
What is Sequential hermaphroditism?
- Genetically programmed sex change 2. Example: clownfish
What is Simultaneous hermaphroditism?
- Having male and female organs at same time
- Example: earthworms
What are somatic cells ?
- Non-reproductive body cells
- Differentiate, function and die before or with the animal
What are germ cells?
- Form gametes
- Continuity between generations
What is Oviparous?
(“egg-birth”) animals
i. Lay eggs
ii. Fertilization may be
1. Internal (before eggs are laid)
2. External (after eggs laid)
What is Ovoviviparous
. (“egg-live-birth”) animals
i. Retain eggs in body
ii. Nourishment derived mostly from yolk
iii. Fertilization internal
What is Viviparous ?
(“live-birth”) animals
i. Eggs develop in oviduct or uterus
ii. Embryos nourished from mother
iii. Young born at advanced stage of development
iv. Fertilization internal
What is cloaca?
Multi purpose opening