ch 7- sanctions Flashcards
unit 1 aos 3
the independent
officer responsible for commencing, preparing and conducting prosecutions of indictable offences
on behalf of the State of Victoria
the Victorian public prosecutions office that prepares and conducts criminal proceedings on behalf of the Director of Public Prosecutions
all people can participate in the criminal justice system and its processes should be impartial and open
fairness- impartial processes
all court personnel should be unbiased
no apprehended bias from the judge or jury
unconscious bias
fairness: open processes
all processes should be open for media scrutiny and for the public to witness justice occurring
the media can report on the outcome of a case and the final judgement of the court
sentencing judgements can be found online
Open Courts Act 2013 VIC
open processes allow for the strengthening of public confidence and maintenance of integrity
but in some cases with kids/sexual offence it remains private
fairness: participation for all LOUPIE
Legal representation
Opportunity to know the presented case
Unreasonable delay isn’t tolerated
Prepare a defence
Examine witnesses
fairness: participation for victims GAVV
Give evidence differently
Attend court
View sharing
Victim impact statement
everyone should be treated the same but if this creates disparity then adequate measures must be implemented to allow all to engage
a situation where two or more things or people are not equal and the inequality causes unfairness
same treatment- formal treatment
everybody is treated the same regardless of personal characteristics
prevents flexibility and can cause disparity
e.g. forcing children to engage with the criminal justice system of adults
different treatment- substantive equality
it is now widely recognised that sometimes processes must be adjusted so that everyone starts on the same playing field, can give way to an appeal otherwise
what are some ways substantive equality can be achieved COPFIC
Cultural differences
Provide evidence differently
Change court processes
the ability of everyone to engage with the criminal justice system on an informed basis
access- engagement
physical access- the ability to attend courts/appropriate services
technological access- if they can’t attend court they must have adequate virtual or online methods to engage with the criminal justice system
financial access- should be able to defend themselves given the high court has recognised that fairness is inhibited if they don’t have a legal rep- tends to only be accessible to those who can access it
access- informed basis SIRE
Support services like VLA
Information- pamphlets and brochures
Representation- legal rep can help to explain
Education- CLC’s run education programs to inform you
Vic Pol overview
established in 1853 under the Vic Pol Act 2013 (VIC) and aim to promote safety, security and order
Vic Pol powers
summary offences- prosecute in court
indictable offences- investigate, evidence, charge and give to DPP
Vic pol Act- enter and search premises on reasonable grounds
what powers do statutes give Vic Pol
Arrest without a warrant with reasonable belief
Take fingerprints
Examine premise and enter if necessary
All Vic Pol powers
Look and gather evidence
(paint, drug, fibres, biomaterial)
Examine the crime scene
Talk to victim and witness
Charge those who were involved
Conduct people or property searches
Question possible suspects
Arrest possible accused
what is the role of Vic Pol
serve the community and uphold the law
enforce criminal law
established by the AFP act 1979 Cth and is a protective service that involves investigating offences with a federal aspect- crimes against the commonwealth
work with state police
AFP powers
arrest without warrant and search someone
AFP types of offences
terrorism, war and drugs
delegated bodies
authority or agency given power by parliament to make and enforce laws
Director of consumer affairs
take action relating to breaches in trading or tenancy law
estate agency act 1960 vic
- regulate real estate agents and those selling properties
- sec 47C states that underquoting is a crime
worksafe vic
OHS act 2004
health, safety and welfare of employees and employers to an extent
monitor compliance with the dangerous goods act 1983
works w OPP to prosecute in court
tax fraud
prosecute summary and refer indictable to the Cth OPP
Australian security and investment commissions
regarding the bosses or those in charge who have breached their duty, for example corruption
indictable offences-> OPP