Ch. 7 Promoting Health and Wellness Key Terms Flashcards
Prodromal Phase
-Before Symptoms of a Specific illness develop, a person may simply “not feel good” (general body aches and fatigue)
-Disease-Specific signs and symptoms not yet present
Seeking Help Phase
-The patient contacts the health-care provider
-medical professionals, herbalists and alternative medicine practitioners
Symptomatic Phase
-Observable Signs and Symptoms
Dependency Phase
- The patient Agrees on advice and care from a health-care provider or seeks help elsewhere
Recovery Phase
-Disease-Specific Signs and Symptoms Resolve
-Slowly be able to regain independence and regain health unless Chronic illness is diagnosed complete recovery may not be possible
Nonspecific response of the body to any demand made on it
The ability to positively adjust to changes that occur in an individual’s world.
Fight-or-Flight Response
A sympathetic nervous system reaction to perceived threats that results in the release of, adrenaline, cortisol and other hormones
Coping Strategies
Skills that all individuals use to manage everyday stresses are called coping strategies
Wellness-Illness Continuum
-A Scale that has a positive at one end and the opposite extreme at the other end.
-1 = Gravely Ill | 10 = Excellent Health
Chronic Illness
A condition or disorder lasting for 3 months or longer and characterized by intensifying or improving symptoms
Chronic illness characterized by minimal symptoms or complete absence of symptoms
Chronic illnesses with a period of worsening symptoms
Acute Illness
Condition or disorder that strikes suddenly and lasts for a limited time
Healthy People 2030
A report issued by the Department of Health and Human Services, highlights objectives related to disease prevention and health promotion for the American people
Risk Factors
Physiological, psychological, or genetic elements that contribute to the development of an illness or disease