Ch. 6 - Validity Flashcards
base rate
an index, usually expressed as a proportion, of the extent to which a particular trait, behavior, characteristic, or attribute exists in a population
as applied to tests, a factor inherent within a test that systematically prevents accurate, impartial measurement
central tendency error
a type of rating error wherein the rater exhibits a general reluctance to issue ratings at either the positive or negative extreme and so all or most ratings cluster in the middle of the rating continuum
concurrent validity
a form of criterion-related validity that is an index of the degree to which a test score is related to some criterion measure obtained at the same time
confirmatory factor analysis
a class of mathematical procedures employed when a factor structure that has been explicitly hypothesized is tested for its fit with the observed relationships between the variables
an informed, scientific idea developed or generated to describe or explain behaviors…
i.e., intelligence, personality, anxiety, job satisfaction
construct validity
a judgement about the appropriateness of inferences drawn from test scores regarding individual standings on a variable called a construct
content validity
describes a judgement of how adequately a test samples behavior representative of the universe of behavior that the test was designed to sample
convergent evidence
with reference to construct validity…
data from other measurement instruments designed to measure the same or a similar construct as the test being construct-validated and that all point to the same judgement or conclusion with regard to a test or other tool of measurement
contrast with discriminant evidence
convergent validity
the standard against which a test or a test score is evaluated
may take many forms, including a specific behavior or set of behaviors
criterion contamination
a state in which a criterion measure is itself based, in whole or part, on a predictor measure
criterion-related validity
a judgement regarding how adequately a score or index on a test or other tool of measurement can be used to infer an individual’s most probable standing on some measure of interest
discriminant evidence
with reference to construct validity…
data from a test or other measurement instrument showing little relationship between test scores or other variables with which the scores on the test bring construct-validated should not theoretically be correlated
contrast with convergent evidence
expectancy chart
expectancy data
exploratory factor analysis
a class of mathematical procedures employed to estimate factors, extract factors, or decide how many factors to retain
face validity
a judgement regarding how well a test or other tool of measurement measures what it purports to measure that is based solely on “appearances”, such as the content of the test’s items