Ch. 6 Social and Personality Development in Infancy Flashcards
What is Attachment?
The emotional tie to a parent experienced by an infant, from which the child derives security.
What is the Attachment Theory?
The view that infants are biologically predisposed to form emotional bonds with caregivers and that the characteristics of those bonds shape later social and personality development.
What is Synchrony?
A mutual, interlocking pattern of attachment behaviors shared by a parent and child.
What is Stranger Anxiety?
Expressions of dicomfort, such a clinging to the mother, in the presence of strangers.
What is Separation Anxiety?
Expressions of discomfort, such as crying, when separated from an attachment figure.
What is Social Referencing?
An infant’s use of others’ facial expressions as a guide to his or her own emotions.
What is Secure Attachment?
A pattern of attachment in which an infant readily separates from the parent, seeks proximity when stressed, and uses the parent as a safe base for exploration.
What is Insecure/Avoidant Attachment?
A pattern of attachment in which an infant avoids contact with the parent and shows no preference for the parent over other people.
What is Inseure/Ambivalent Attachment?
A pattern of attachment in which the infant shows little exploratory behavior, is greatly upset when separated from the mother, and is not reassured by her return or efforts to comfort him.
What is Insecure/Disorganized Attachment?
A pattern of attachment in which an infant seems confused or apprehensive and shows contradictory behavior, such as moving toward the mother while looking away from her.
What is Personality?
A pattern of responding to people and objects in the environment.
What is Temperament?
Inborn predispositions, such as activity level, that form the foundations of personality.
What is Niche Picking?
The process of selecting experiences on the basis of temperament.
What is Goodness-of-Fit?
The degree to which an infant’s temperament is adaptable to his or her environment, and vice versa.
What is the Subjective Self?
An infant’s awareness the she or he is a separate person who endures through time and space and can act on the environment.
What is the Objective (Categorical) Self?
The toddler’s understanding that she or he is defined by various categories such as gender or qualities such as shyness.