Ch. 6 - Organizational Learning Flashcards
the process through which the knowledge and skills of employees are enhanced
the process by which change in knowledge or skills is acquired through education or experience
declarative knowledge
a body of knowledge about facts and things;
often compared with procedural knowledge
knowledge compilation
the body of knowledge acquired as a result of learning
procedural knowledge
a body of knowledge about how to use information to address issues and solve problems;
often compared with declarative knowledge
computer-baed training
a method of training that utilizes computer technology to enhance the acquisition of knowledge and skills
programmed instruction
the most basic computer-based training that provides for self-paced learning
intelligent tutoring systems
a sophisticated type of computer-based training that uses artificial intelligence to customize learning to the individual
interactive multimedia training
a type of computer-based training that combines visual and auditory information to create a realistic but nonthreatening environment
virtual reality training
a type of computer-based training that uses three-dimensional computer-generated imagery
business games
a method of training that simulates a business environment with specific objectives to achieve and rules for trainees to follow
role playing
a training method directed primarily at enhancing interpersonal skills in which training participants adopt various roles in a group exercise
behavior modelling
a method of training that makes use of imitative learning and reinforcement to modify human behavior
error management training
a system of training in which employees are encouraged to make errors, and then learn from their mistakes
management development
the process by which individuals serving in management or leadership positions are trained to better perform the job
melting pot conception
a concept behind facilitating relationships among people of different cultures based on them relinquishing their individual cultural identities to form a new, unified culture as a means of coexisting;
often contrasted with multicultural conception
cultural diversity training
a method of training direct at improving interpersonal sensitivity and awareness of cultural differences among employees
a person native to one country who serves a period of employment in another country
sexual harassment
unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment
quid pro quo sexual harassment
a legal classification of harassment in which specified organizational rewards are offered in exchange for sexual favors;
often compared with hostile environment sexual harassment
hostile environment sexual harassment
a legal classification of sexual harassment in which individuals regard conditions in the workplace (such as unwanted touching or off-color jokes) as offensive;
often compared with quid pro quo sexual harassment
typically an older and more experienced person who helps to professionally develop a less experienced person
typically a younger and less experienced person who is helped and developed in job training by a more experienced person
executive coaching
an individualized developmental process for business leaders provided by a trained professional (the coach)
transfer of training
the degree of generalizability of the behaviors learned in training to those behaviors evidenced on the job that enhance performance
reaction criteria
a standard for judging the effectiveness of training that refers to the reactions or feelings of individuals about the training they received
learning criteria
a standard for judging the effectiveness of training that refers to the amount of new knowledge and skills acquired through training