Ch. 5 - Personnel Decisions Flashcards
an approach to personnel staffing whereby family members receive preferential treatment because of birth or marriage
protected group
a designation for members of society who are granted legal status by virtue of a demographic characteristic, such as race, sex, national origin, color, religion, age, and disability
adverse impact
a type of unfair discrimination in which the result of using a particular personnel selection method has a negative effect on protected group members compared with majority group members;
often contrasted with disparate treatment
disparate treatment
a type of unfair discrimination in which protected group members are afforded differential employment procedures compared to members of other groups;
often contrasted with adverse impact
a goal or staffing whereby demographic differences in society are reflected in the workforce
diversity-validity dilemma
the paradox of organizations being unable to simultaneously hire the most qualified applicants and members of the full range of demographic groups that populate society
affirmative action
a social policy that advocates members of protected groups will be actively recruited and considered for selection
the process by which individuals are solicited to apply for jobs
regression analysis
a statistical procedure used to predict variables on the basis of another variable
multiple correlation
the degree of predictability (ranging from 0 to 1.00) in forecasting one variable on the basis of two or more other variables;
often expressed in conjunction with multiple regression analysis
multiple regression analysis
a statistical procedure used to predict one variable on the basis of two or more other variables
validity generalization
a concept that reflects the degree to which a predictive relationship empirically established in one context spreads to other populations or contexts
personnel selection
the process of determining those applicants who are selected for hire versus those who are rejected
predictor cutoff
a score on a test that differentiates those who passed the test from those who failed;
often equated with the passing score on a test
selection ratio
a numeric index ranging between 0 and 1 that reflects the selectivity of the hiring organization in filling jobs; the number of job openings divided by the number of job applicants
base rate
the percentage of current employees in a job who are judged to be performing their jobs satisfactorily
criterion cutoff
a standard that separates successful from unsuccessful job performance
true positives
a term to describe individuals who were CORRECTLY SELECTED for hire because they became successful employees
true negatives
individuals who were CORRECTLY REJECTED for employment because they would have been unsuccessful employees
false negatives
individuals who were INCORRECTLY REJECTED for employment because they would have been successful employees
false positives
a term to describe individuals who were INCORRECTLY SELECTED for hire because they became unsuccessful employees
a concept reflecting the economic value (expressed in monetary terms) of making personnel decisions
the process of comparing a company’s products or procedures with those of the leading companies in an industry
the process of assigning individuals to jobs based on one test score
the process of assigning individuals based on two or more test scores
all of the people that respond to a job posting
yield ratio
ratios of ... • leads to invitees • invites to interviews • interviews to offers • offers to hires
time lapse data
- time needed for each recruitment stage
* average interval between stages
realistic job preview
- the presentation of both favorable and unfavorable job-related information to job candidates
- applicants must be to that they are participating in an RJP
When expectations of applicants match reality…
- job acceptance rates may be lower & performance is unaffected
- job satisfaction and job survival are higher for those who receive RJPs
- turnover decreases by 9% - moderated by job complexity
applicant reactions
- recommend (or not) employer to others
* withdrawal of application
linear regression model
- general linear model
- y = a + bx
- x = predictor
- y = criterion
- x sub c = criterion cutoff
- x sub p = predictor cutoff
factors affecting the quality of employees
- validity of predictor (related to correlation coefficient)
- the selection ratio (related to predictor cutoff)
- the base rate (related to criterion cutoff)
regression formula?
R = a + b1x1 + b2x2 + b3x3