Ch 6 (flashcards)
Flor wood stud walls capped with a double top plate, end joints in top plates shall be offset at least _________ inches.
24 inches
R602.3.2 Top plate
Where joists, trusses or rafters are spaced more than 16 inches on center and the bearing studs below are spaced 24 inches on center, such members shall bear within ________ inches of the studs beneath.
5 inches
R602.3.3 Bearing studs
Any wood stud in an exterior wall or bearing partition may be cut or notched to a depth not exceeding _________ percent of its width.
25 %
R602.6 Drilling and notching of studs, Item 1
Wood studs in nonbearing partitions may be notched to a depth not exceeding ________ percent of a single stud width.
40 %
R602.6 Drilling and notching of studs, Item 1
Exterior wood frame walls parallel to a braced wall line shall be offset not more than _______ feet from the designated braced wall line location.
4 ft
R602.10.1.2 Offsets along a braced wall line
Braced wall lines greater than 16 feet shall have a minimum of _______ braced wall panels.
R602.10.2.3 Minimum number of braced wall panels
Wall bracing Method PFG (Portal frame at garage door openings) is limited to walls supporting a roof or __________ __________ and a ___________.
one story (and) roof
This method is also limited to Seismic Design Categories A,B and C
R602.10.6.3 Method PFG: Portal frame at garage door openings in Seismic Design Categories A, B and C
Unfaced fiberglass batt insulation is __________ to be used for fireblocking.
Where it fills the entire cross section of the wall cavity to a minimum height of 16” measured vertically.
R302.11.1.2 Unfaced fiberglass
Braced wall panels shall be constructed with intermittent bracing methods and continuous sheathing methods. Mixing bracing methods shall be __________.
R602.10.4.1 Mixing methods
In order to use the simplified wall bracing methods, the building must be located where the ultimate design wind speed is less than or equal to _________ mph.
130 mph
R602.12 Simplified wall bracing, Item 6
Load-bearing cold-framed steel studs shall be located in-line with joists, trusses and rafters with a maximum tolerance of _________ inch between the centerline of the horizontal and vertical framing members.
3/4 inch
R603.1.2 In-line framing
Web holes in steel wall studs shall not exceed ______ inches in width or ______ inches in length.
1 1/2 inches (and) 4 1/2 inches
R603.2.6.1 Web holes, Items 4 and 5
Steel studs and other structural members shall not be ________.
Tracks can be spliced with an approved design and in accordance with figure R603.3.5
R603.3.5 Splicing
In cold-formed steel framing, king, jack and cripple studs shall be of the same dimension and thickness as the adjacent _______ studs.
R603.7 Jack and King studs
The minimum thickness of masonry bearing walls more than one story high shall be _______ inches.
8 inches
R606.4.1 Minimum thickness
Solid masonry walls of one-story dwellings and garages shall be not less than _______ inches in thickness where no greater than 9 feet in height.
6 inches
…provided that where gable construction is used, and additional 6 ft is permitted to the peak of the gable.
R606.4.1 Minimum thickness
Grout shall not be pumped through _______ pipes.
R606.3.5.1 Grout placement
The provisions for structural insulated panel walls are limited to buildings not greater than _______ stories in height with each wall not greater than _______ feet high.
2 stories (and) 10 ft
These provisions are also limited to a ground snow load of 70 psf and Seismic Design Categories A, B and C.
R610.2 Applicability limits