Ch 6 Demand Flashcards
Normal god
Demand for good increases as income increases
Inferior good
Demand for good decreases as income decreases
Income offer curve (income expansion path)
Connection of demanded bundles as budget line is shifted by income change
Engel curve
Graph for the demand of one good as a function of income
Luxury good
Demand for a good goes up more rapidly than income
Necessary good
Demand for the good goes up less rapidly than income
Homothetic preferences
Preferences depend only on the ratio of the 2 goods
Quasilinear preferences
Engel curve becomes a vertical line (one good has zero income effect after a certain point)
Ordinary good
Demand increases as price decreases
Giffen good
Demand increases as price increases
Price offer curve
Connecting optimal points as the price of 1 good changes while the other is fixed
Inverse demand curve
Price as a function of quantity (x axis)