Ch. 5 : Stability, Cloud Development, Precipiation Flashcards
adiabtic process
if a parcel expands & cools or compresses & warms , with no interchange of heat with uts outside surroundings
as long as the air in parcel is unsaturated (RH <100) the rate of adiabtic cooling or warming is constant
the liquid (or solid) cloud particles may grow in size & fall to surface
dry adiabtic process = 10•C /1000m
if the rising air cools to its dew-point temp, the RH becomes 100% condensation occurs , a cloud forms, and latent heat is released.
moist adiabtic lapse rate= 6•c /1000m
heat added during condensation offsetts some of the cooling due to expansion, the air no longer cools (because latent heat is added to the rising saturated air)
stability (stable air)
condition if paracel is colder than its environmental, it will be more dense, it will want to sink back down to its original level
instability (unstable air)
condition is if paracel is warmer than environment it will continue to rise until reaches same temperature
Envormental lapse rate
rate is the one at which the air temperature surroundings vs how it would be changing if were to climb upward into atmopshere
lapse rate
rate at which the air temperature changes with altitude
condensation level
the elevation above the surface whetr the cloud first forms
conditionally instability
if unsaturated stable air is somehowlifyrd to a level where iy becomes saturated
orographic uplift
forced lifting along topographic barrier ,horizontally moving air, cannot go through obstacle, so the air must go over it
Collison-Coalescence process
large cloud droplets fall faster than small
large droplets collide with smaller droplets
warm cloud
cloud that have above-freezing temperature at all levels
ice-Crystal “Bergeron” process
rain formation proposes that both ice-crystal and liqiud cloud droplets myst co-exist in clouds at temperature belive freezing
super cooled droplets
water droplets exists at temperature below freezing