ch 5 antepartum hemorrhage Flashcards
3rd trimester bleeding occurs in 4-5% of pregnancies, may be obstetric or nonobstetric..
obstetric cause:
placenta - placenta previa, placental abruption, vasa previa
maternal - uterine rupture
fetal - fetal vessel rupture
cervical - severe cervicitis, polyps,k cervical dysplasia/cancer
vaginal/vulvar - lacerations, varices, cancer
other - hemorrhoids, congenital bleeding disorder, abdominal / pelvic trauma, hematuria
placenta previa - abnormal implantation of placenta over interna cervical os
uterine scarring may predispose placental implantation in lower uterine segment
90% of low lying placentas identified early in pregnancy will appear to move away from cervix and out of lower uterine segment
placenta accreta
condition in which placenta invades into and is inseparable from the uterine wall. when invasion extends into myometrium, this is termed placenta INCRETA.
when invasion is through myometrium and serosa - PLACENTA PERCRETA.
placenta accreta causes inability of placenta to properly separate from uterine wall after delivery of fetus - resulting in profuse hemorrhage and shock with substantial maternal morbidity and mortality , such as need for hysterectomy, surgical injury to ureters, bladder, and other viscera, adult respiratory distress syndrome, renal failure, coagulopathy, and death.
2/3 of women with placenta previa and associated accreta require a hysterectomy at the time of delivery
vasa previa - when velamentous cord insertion causes fetal vessels to pass over internal cervical os.
velamentous placenta occurs when blood vessels insert between amnion and chorion , away from margin of placenta, leaving vessels largely unprotected and vulnerable to compression / injury
marginal or low lying placenta diagnosed when placental edge is < 2cm from , but not covering internal os.
< 2cm
patients with placenta previa classically present with sudden and profuse
usually after 28 weeks of gestation.
placenta accreta (and increta) usually asymptomatic
vaginal exam is contraindicated in placenta previa because digital exam can cause further separation of placenta and trigger catastrophic hemorrhage
optimal distance for visuualization of the cervix is 2-3 cm away from the cervix, so probe is generally not advanced sufficiently to make contact with the placenta
placenta accreta should be suspected in women who have both placenta previa and a history of cesarean delivery
unstoppable labor, fetal distress, and life threatening hemorrhage are all indications for immediate cesarean deliveyr regardless of gestational age.
predisposing and precipitating factors for placental abruption:
maternal hypertension, prior hx of placental abruption, maternal cocaine use, tobacco use, external maternal trauma, rapid decompression of overdistended uterus.
in cases of abruptions that are severe enough to cause fetal death, 50% due to HTN, 25% from chronic HTN, and 25% from preeclampsia
classic presentation of placental abruption is
3rd trimester vaginal bleeding associated with severe abdominal pain and/or frequent, strong contractions.
however, 30% of placental separations are small with few/ no symptoms and are identified only after inspection of placenta at delivery.
classic presentation of placental abruption is
3rd trimester vaginal bleeding associated with severe abdominal pain and/or frequent, strong contractions.
presentation of abruptio placentae
symptom: vaginal bleeding - 80%
uterine tenderness/abdominal / back pain - 67%
physical exam: patient with placental abruption will often have vaginal bleeding and a firm, tender uterus. on fetal heart monitoring, nonreassuring fetal heart tracing is frequently seen secondary to hypoxia.
presence of retroplacental clot with overlying placental destruction confirms diagnosis
more than 90% of all uterine ruptures are associated with prior uterine scar either from cesarean section or other uterine surgery
presentation of uterine rupture: intense abdominal pain
most pregnancies complicated by rupture of a fetal vessel are due to VELAMENTOUS CORD INSERTION where blood vessels insert between amnion and chorion away from placenta instead of inserting directly into chorionic plate.
because the vessels course unprotected through membranes before inserting on placental margin, they are vulnerable to rupture, shearing, or laceration.
if patients placenta previa persists into third trimester, then she is most at risk for placenta accreta in the presence of an anterior placenta previa and a history of two cesarean sections
more than 90% of low lying placentas will appear to move away from cervix and out of lower uterine segment.
placenta previa occurs in as many as 1-4% of women with prior cesarean section
if placenta previa persists,it can be complicated by an asscoated placenta accreta in approximately 5% of cases.
because patient has had cs x2, has anterior placenta previa, and because sonographer cannot distinguish placenta from the bladder, might be helpful to get further imaging to rule out placenta accreta, increta, or percreta.
MRI is imaging modality to evaluate for myometrial and/or bladder invasion of the placenta,
there is an increase incidence of VASA PREVIA when there is a SUCCENTURIATE LOBE, esp when this lobe is noted to be some distance from the rest of the placenta. A succenturiate lobe is an accessory placental lobe. in this case, bulk of the placenta is implanted in one portion of the uterine wall, but a small lobe of the placenta is implanted in another location. the vessels that connect these two portions of the placenta are unrpotected and may cross over cervix nand present as a vasa previa, making them vulnerable to compression by the presenting fetal part or ttorn when membranes are ruptured.
sinusoidal pattern on a continuous fhr monitoring indicates fetal anemia. fetal anemia caused by rupture of fetal veessels upon rupture of membranes.
hemodynamic instability, significant vaginal bleeding, rigid abdomen, along with severe abdominal pain, most likely clinical diagnosis is placental abruption. normal labor does not cause significant blood loss with cervical change except in the instance of placenta previa.
initial elevated bp of 180/100 suggests preeclampsia or superimposed preeclampsia, which is known risk factor for placental abruption . vasa previa can lead to profuse vaginal bleeding if a patient ruptures her membranes and fetal vessels also rupture.