Ch 2 Early Pregnancy Complications Flashcards
most common site of implantation in tubal pregnancy is in
ampulla (79%)
currently more than 1:100 of all pregnancies are ectopic secondary to increase in assisted fertility, std, and pid.
patients who present with vaginal bleeding, and/or abdominal pain should always be evaluated for ectopic pregnancy because a ruptured ectopic pregnancy is a true emergency
ruptured ectopic can result in rapid hemorrhage, leading to shock and eventually death
risk factors for ectopic pregnancy
1. Hx std, pid 2, prior ectopic pregnancy 3. previous tubal surgery 4. prior pelvic/abdominal surgery resulting in adhesions 5. endometriosis 6. current use of exogenous hormones including progetserone / estrogen 7. ivf or other assisted reproduction 8. des 9. use of IUD for birth control 10. smoking
classic finding in lab is beta hcg level is low for GA and does not increase at the expected rate. in patients with normal IUP, trophoblastic tissue secretes b hcg in a predictable manner leading to doubling apprx every 48 hrs. hematocrit may be low or drop in patients with ruptured ectopic pregnancy.
a hemorrhaging , ruptured ectopic pregnancy, may reveal intraabdominal fluid throughout pelvis and abdomen
patients who cannot be definitively diagnosed with ectopic versus IUP are labeled as
pregnancy of unknown location
an IUP should be seen on tvs US with beta hcg between
a fetal heartbeat should be seen with bhcg level greater than 5,000
a fetal heartbeat should be seen with bhcg level greater than 5,000
appropriate to use methotrexate in order to treat uncomplicated, nonthreatening, ectopic pregnancies. it is appropriate to use methotrexate for patients who have small ectopic pregnancies
rule for MTX
<5cm, serum bhcg level <5,000, and without a fetal heartbeat
rule for MTX
<5cm, serum bhcg level <5,000, and without a fetal heartbeat
assessment prior to MTX:
baseline transaminases and creatinine, intramuscular mtx, and serially following bhcg levels
bhcg level will rise first few days after MTX , but should fall by 10-15% between days 4 and 7. if doesn’t fall, pt needs a second dose of MTX.
these women should be monitored for ss of rupture - increased abdominal pain, bleeding, or signs of shock, and advised to come to ER immediately in case of such symptoms
60-80% of all SABs in 1st trimester are associated with abnormal chromosomes, with 95% are due to errors in maternal gametogenesis.
incomplete abortion can be allowed to finish on its own if patient prefers expectant management, but can also be taken to completion either surgically or medically.
recurrent pregnancy loss etiologies:
chromosomal abnormalities
maternal systemic disease,
maternal anatomic defects
15% of patients with recurrent pregnancy loss have antiphospholipid antibody (APA) syndrome. another group of patients are thought to have luteal phase defect and an adequate level of progesterone to maintain the pregnancy
diagnosis for recurrent pregnancy loss:
1st, karyotype of both parents obtained, as well as karyotypes of POC from each of SAB if possible.
2. maternal anatomy should be examined, initially with hysterosalpingogram (HSG). if hsg is abnormal/ nondiagnostic, a hysteroscope or laparoscope exploration may be performed.
3. screening tests for hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, apa syndrome, hypercoagulability, and systemic lupus erythematosus. should include lupus anticoagulant, factor V leiden deficiency, prothrombin G20210A mutation, ANA, anticardiolipin antibody, Russel viper venom, anithrombin III, protein S and protein C.
treatment: for patients with chromosomal abnrmalities such as balanced translocations, IVF can be performed using donor sperm/ova.
prior to methotrexate, draw labs:
type and screen, cbc, complete metabolic painel
hemoglobin is normal and liver enzymes also normal.
once dx of ectopic pregnancy is made, patient should no longer be managed expectantly. mifepristone and misoprostol reserved for treatment of IUP
in an IUP, bhcg level can be expected to increase by 60% or more every 48 hours. an ectopic pregnancy would be expected to have a slower rate of increase in bhcg level because of decreased blood supply due to abnormla placentation
in an IUP, bhcg level can be expected to increase by 60% or more every 48 hours. an ectopic pregnancy would be expected to have a slower rate of increase in bhcg level because of decreased blood supply due to abnormla placentation