Infertility is the inability to conceive within ______ months with regular coitus.
The role of the cervix in fertility is to provide a(n) _______ environment to harbor sperm.
When assessing the endometrium, the sonographer wants to evaluate the ________ and _________ characteristics and to include evaluation for any ________ lesions.
thickness, echogenicity, intracavitary
The congenital anomalies most easily assessed with ultrasound require evaluation for _________ uterus and _________ uterus.
bicornuate, didelphys
________ uterus is associated with a low incidence of fertility complications.
The fallopian tubes can be examined by ultrasound to evaluate for a hydrosalpinx and assess _______ by injecting saline into the tube and looking for spillage of fluid into the cul-de-sac or by using contrast to evaluate for spillage.
A follicle is selected to develop into a _______ follicle in response to follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and increase in estradiol.
The dominant follicle will grow at a rate of approximately 2 to 3 mm per day until it reaches an average diameter of ____ mm.
If serum estradiol is ________ and a large ovarian cyst is present, then oral contraceptives may be indicted to suppress follicular activity before ovarian stimulation therapy is started.
A normal endometrial response associated with ovarian stimulation is increasing thickness from 2 to 3 mm to ______ mm.
12 to 14
Complications associated with assisted reproductive technologies include ovarian ________ syndrome, multiple ______, and _______ pregnancy.
hyperstimulation , gestation, ectopic
_________ is a syndrome that presents sonographically as enlarged ovaries with multiple cysts, abdominal ascites, and pleural effusions.
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
An ectopic pregnacy coexisting with an intrauterine pregnancy is a(n) ________ pregnancy.
ID the abnormality demonstrated in this infusion sonography image

multiple fibroids
which abnormality demonstrated in this infusion sonography image. may interfere with implantation?

submucosal fibroid w/ saline infusion sonography
id the phase of the ovary shown in this image

ovarian follicular phase
the transvaginal image of the ovary is found in what condition

hyperstimulation of the ovary
technologies that use male and female gametes to assist the infertility patient to become pregnant; -these methods include in vitro fertilization, gamete transfer and intrafallopian transfer, zygote intrafallopian transfer
assisted reproductive technology (ART)
a technique that follows IVF in which the fertilized ova are injected into the uterus through the cervix
embryo transfer
a hormonal substance that stimulates the function of the testes and ovaries; -in females FSH and FH are gonadotropins
a glycoprotein secreted from placental trophoblastic cells (developing placenta cells); indicates pregnancy when lab test (urine) levels are elevated
human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
the introduction of sperm into the uterus by mechanical or instrumental means rather than by sexual intercourse
intrauterine insemination
a method of fertilizing the human ova outside the body by collecting the mature oocytes and placing them in a dish with a sample of sperm
in vitro fertilization (IVF)
syndrome presents on US as enlarged ovaries w/ multiple cysts, abdominal ascites, and pleural effusions; common in pt who have undergone ovulation induction after the administration of follicle-stimulating hormone or a GnRH analogue followed by hCG
ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS)
controlled ovarian stimulation with clomiphene citrate or parenterally administered gonadotropins
ovarian induction therapy
diminished reproductive capability