Ch. 4: Types of Investigations Flashcards
What is a sub-rosa investigation?
“under the rose”. Sub-Rosa investigations are done without the subject’s knowledge.
What is an AOE/COE investigation?
It usually involve workers’ compensation fraud.
Type of Investigation: What does AOE/COE mean?
AOE/COE is an acronym for Arising Out of Employment or Course of Employment.
What is a civil-law investigation?
investigating the veracity of all elements in a civil issue (tort).
What is a Criminal Defense Investigation?
Criminal defense investigators are often tasked with finding doubt on the alleged facts.
What is a Pre-Employment Background Investigation?
conducting inquiries on references, past and current employers and coworkers, education records, and criminal and civil record searches.
What is an infidelity investigation?
It’s the investigation into someone who is having an affair
What is a cohabitation investigation?
To find out if cohabitation exists by finding out if someone is living together in a marital household, sharing day-to-day life. It is to live or dwell together. Usually for divorces