Ch. 2: Business & Professions Code Flashcards
What does PIA mean?
Private Investigators Act
What does BSIS
Bureau of Security and Investigative Services
Generally, a private investigator is anyone who investigates for the purposes of obtaining information to what?
Crimes; People; Lost or Stolen property; Torts, Securing of evidence
What is it called when someone receives something of value given by both parties according to a contract?
Clarification can abe a nominal amount or a promise to do sokmething of value. Example: A client agrees to pay an investigator in exchange for investigative services. Without consideration, the person doesn’t need to be an investigator to investigate.
Does an in-house investigator need an investigator’s license?
Once the in-house investigator is contracted by an outside company or person to investigate activities outside of the company they were orginally employed by, this investigator would need an investiator license.
What is an in-house investigator?
An in-house investigator is someone who works for one private employer and who investigates activities within the company.
True or False: Do attorneys and/or their investigators need an investigator license to perform any type of investigative duties?
Attorney’s and their investigators generally do not fall into the “approved” category of experience that counts toward licensure.
If you are required to have a private investigator’s license and you engage in employment as an investigator without a license, what could be the punishment?
1.) $5000 fine or
2.) Imprisonment in the county jail for no more than 1 year, or
3.) Both a fine of $5000 and imprisonment for one year in county jail, and
4.) Not being granted a license for 1 year
What is the punishment if you falsely represent yourself as an investigator without a license?
1.) $10000 fine or
2.) Imprisonment in the county jail for no more than on year
3.) Both a fine of $10000 and imprisonment in county jail
4.) Shall not be granted a license for one year.
What is PPO?
Private Patrol Operator
What is a Private Patrol Officer (PPO)?
A private patrol officer, also known as a “private security guard” or “street patrol officer,” is a person employed by a private security company to patrol and protect private property, deter criminal activity, and respond to incidents on behalf of a client, typically by conducting foot or vehicle patrols, monitoring security systems, and reporting suspicious activity to authorities when necessary
Is the Licensee responsible for their employees and agents?
Yes. Assuming the private investigator agency is owned by a separate person/entity other than the qualified manager, the licensee is also responsible for the branch manager’s or qualified manager’s good conduct.
True or False: You can use a name similar to that of a public officer or agency.
False; BPC mentions that we can’t use a name “so similar to that of a public officer or agency…that the public may be confused or misled thereby.”
Does BSIS have to approve your business name before you use it?
Yes, the name used must be the same as the one on file with BSIS, it cannot be similar to another name of a licensee, and it cannot appear similar to a local, state, or federal agency.
When an investigations agency changes ownership, how many days do they have to notify BSIS of the change?
A.) 45 days
B.) 60 days
C.) 30 days
D.) 15 days
C - 30 days
What must your advertising contain in accordance with BSIS?
L - License Number
A - Address (or telephone number)
N - Name of Business
If a licensee decides to close their business location or move, how many days do they have to notify BSIS.
30 days
Can a QM operate an investigative company without a licensed private investigator
True or False: A family member can continue the business if the licensee passes away
True; Yes, they have to complete a written application to BSIS requesting to take over as the licensee within 30 days.
How many days can a family member continue the business in the event the licensee passes away
120 days, assuming the application was made promptly.
If a family member replaces a licensee who passes away, can they operate without a QM?
No; Without a QM the business cannot legally operate.
How many days can a private investigator run a business owning employees without a QM?
90 days and they have to show they’re actively looking for one.
If you’re interviewing someone for a client, such as a district attorney, and you find incriminating information or a crime, are you obligated to report the crime to anyone besides the attorney?
Unless required by law, you must never divulge information to anyone other than the client.
What do you do if you find incriminating information on your client?
Unless you are required to produce the incriminating information through discovery, subpoena, or other court order, you are under no obligation to produce the information to the opposing party.
What do you do if your client lies to you?
You can void the contract
If an employee knowingly falsifies information during an investigation, what is he/she violating?
(Business & Professions Code)
Can an employee submit an investigative report to the client without the QM’s authorization?
Who can submit a completed report to a client if an investigator has employees?
Only the investigator (owner of the company)
Are there any acceptions for an employee to submit an investigative report to a client without your QM’s approval
Yes, if a company is owned by someone else or an entity, the other owner can submit the report to the client.
Also, the owner can pre-authorize an employee to submit an investigative report.
Before submitting the information to the client, what must be done with a report?
It must be verified that the facts and information contained in the report are true and accurate. A standard beyond mere proofreading.
Who is responsible for the facts and information submitted in an investigative report given to a client?
The person who authorizes the report. (The owner, the QM)
Is sending an email, memorandums, text messages, and instant messages of a report or information legitimate and/or official forms?
Yes, because they ar forms of a written report.
Can investigators wear badges when performing interviews or other investigations to get someone to cooperate with them?
NO. You cannot wear a badge.
False Impressions:
You cannot misrepresent your company in advertising, and you may never use a title, wear a uniform or insignia, use an identification card, or give someone the impression that you are affiliated with any form of government
Can an employee use an identification card?
Yes, as long as it does not give anyone the impression they are licensed by the BSIS. (a private investigator)
Can an investigator follow a subject into an apartment building that says residents only?
No, unless you are serving an unlawful process (ie, summons) for any other type of legal investigation
Can Susie hire someone to do her advertising and tell them to do whatever they want?
No, Susie must be in control of her business at all times. By stating such specific instructions as “Do whatever you want,” she essentially has no control over their actions.
If a person becomes injured in front of a PI, can the PI offer to investigate the cause of the injury and introduce themselves as a PI
No. They may not solicit employment directly from the person or their family. However, they may solicit their attorney, insurance company, adjuster, and employer.
Can an investigator offer a reward to obtain clients?
Can an investigator change his name without the approval of BSIS?
No. The only name you an operate under, is the name BSIS approved.
If you or your employer caused bodily injury to another person, how many days do you have to report the incident to the BSIS?
7 days
Can a licensee or a QM carry a firearm?
Only if they have met the requirements and have in their possession a valid firearms qualification card.
If an investigator carries a firearm or has employees carry firearms, what is the minimum insurance coverage you have to maintain
$1 million in insurance coverage - $500,000 for any one loss due to bodily injury or death and $500,000 for any one loss due to injury or destruction of property
What must you have to carry a firearm as an investigator?
An exposed permit and a CCW permit
Can your employees carry pepper spray, tear gas, or any other non-lethal chemical agent?
Yes, however, they must complete the certified course which can be done at any BSIS approved Firearms or Baton Training Facility.
Licenses, certificates, and pocket cards expire how many years after the date of issuance?
Two years after the date of issuance
What must you do to renew an unexpired license or certificate?
You must complet the appropriate renewal form and send in the required fee prior to or on the expiration date.
How many years do you have to renew your expired license?
Three years. After three years have passed, you will have to reapply for a license again.
What will happen to an investigator for falsely verifying the experience of hours for an employee
Suspension or revocation of private investigator license or license denial (if not already an investigator)
What are some grounds for the denial, suspension, or revocation of a license?
- Violating any portion of the PIA;
- Conviction of a crime;
- Impersonating any government employee;
- Permitting your employees to commit any violation of the law or PIA;
- Refusing to render private investigator services as agreed upon
- Violating or encouraging another to violate a court order or administrative injunction against a business;
- Possession of a deadly weapon or chemical agent without a permit;
- Maliciously providing contact information about a juror to the defendant in a criminal case;
- Failure to obey a child support order or judgment;
- Using a different name other than what BSIS has on file.
- If acting as a runner or capper for an attorney.
How many days must you notify BSIS of an address change
You must notify BSIS of an address change within 30 days
For a period of how many years must you keep an applicant’s file at the principal place of business
Two years with a record of
- Name
- Address
- Starting date of employment
- Ending date of employment
- Position
- Payroll data
How long of a period do you have to keep a file on the applicant at it’s principal location.
Two years
How long does an employer need to keep personnel records
Three years
When is a report due to a client?
Upon payment, unless other arrangements were made
What is the definition of Slander?
oral false statements
What is the definition of libel?
written false statements