What is a domain name?
The symbolic name that identifies a domain. Usually, a domain name is associated with a company or other types of organizations, such as a university or military unit.
What is a host name?
A symbolic name that describes a TCP/IP device.
What is DNS?
(DOMAIN NAME SERVICE). A hierarchical way of tracking domain names and their addresses, devised in the mid-1980s. The DNS database does not rely on one file or even one server, but rather is distributed over several key computers across the Internet to prevent catastrophic failure if one or a few computers go down. DNS is a TCP IP service that belongs to the application layer of the OSI model
What is DDNS?
(DYNAMIC DNS). A method of dynamically updating DNS records for a host. DDNS client computers are configured to notify a service provider when their IP addresses change, then the service provider propagates the DNS record change across the Internet automatically.
What is TELNET?
A terminal emulation protocol used to logon to remote hosts using the TCP/IP protocol. Telnet resides in the application layer of the OSI model.
What is FTP?
(FILE TRANSFER PROTOCOL). An application layer protocol used to send and receive files via TCP/IP.
What is TFTP?
(TRIVIAL FILE TRANSFER PROTOCOL). A TCP/IP application layer protocol that enables file transfers between computers. TFTP relies on UDP at the transport layer and does not require a user to log on to the remote host.
What is NTP?
(NETWORK TIME PROTOCOL). A simple application layer protocol in the TCP/IP suite used to synchronize the clocks of computers on a network. NTP depends on UDP for transport layer services.
What is PING?
(PACKET INTERNET GROPER). A TCP/IP troubleshooting utility that can verify that TCP/IP is installed, bound to the NIC, configured correctly, and communicating with the network. PING uses ICMP to send echo request and echo reply messages that determine the validility of an IP address.
In what layer of the OSI model, does TCP reside in?
In what layer of the OSI model, does DHCP reside in?
In what layer of the OSI model, does ICMP reside in?
Network Layer
In what layer of the OSI model, does IP reside in?
Network Layer
In what layer of the OSI model, does HTTPS reside in?
In what layer of the OSI model, does DNS reside in?