Ch 4 practitioners and staff Flashcards
The attention reasonable expected from, and ordinarily exercised by, a person who seeks to satisfy a legal requirement or to discharge an obligation
-Reasonable and prudent actions exercised by establishing and following certain standards
Due diligence
What are the four key components establishing due diligence that will reduce the liability exposure of a funeral director?
- Reasonable and prudent actions
- Establish and follow standards of care
- Training and communication
-Regulatory compliance
-Risk management - Documentation
What are some examples of documentation that the funeral establishment should maintain?
-Inventory of personal property
-Body tracking report
-Written authorizations and releases
-Embalming case reports
-Custom merchandise order
-Scheduled facility inspections
-Third party crematory inspections
-Vehicle maintenance records
-Applications for survivor benefits
-Facility maintenance records
-Staff training programs
Private or civil wrong against a person or their property, other than by breach of contract, where there may be action for damages (a settlement)
Exists when an individual knowingly and intentionally engages in conduct with the intended result that another will suffer some sort of damage or loss
-FD has liability
Intentional tort
Exists when an individual carelessly or negligently engages in conduct that results in an unintentional damage or loss to another
-FD has liability
Negligent tort
Provides an individual or entity may be held liable for their conduct without the need to prove an act was either intentional or negligent
-Ex. product liability
Strict liability
What are the duties of the funeral director?
-Safeguard the body
-Care of the body
-Preparation of the body
-Final disposition of the body
What are the three circumstances under which a FD can charge a family for the embalming
Federal trade commission (FTC) states that the following circumstances must be met
1. State or local law requires embalming under the particular circumstances
2. The FD has obtained prior approval for embalming from family or authorized person
3. FD is unable to contact family or authorized persons after due diligence
What does the FTC require before embalming
Authorization from the party with right of disposition
What is a mutilation?
Any changes in the dead body other than by natural causes
-Ex. an embalming
Licensed funeral director is liable for the photographs taken of a dead body:
Whenever the photograph is shown without authority to a third party
As an act of due diligence, an embalming report should:
Be routinely prepared by the funeral establishment/ practitioner
Restorative art work performed on the deceased body without authorization of party of right of disposition is legally classified as:
The next of kin, family, someone has the rights in the dead body
The court affirmed right of a family to provide for a decent and proper funeral without any unreasonable interference form others
Right of non interference
A claim or charge against real or personal property for payment of some debt
A lien
-Cannot be a lien against a human body because a human body is not personal property
A condition which may result from an outrageous intentional or grossly negligent act and may be accompanied by physical injury
Mental anguish
Any failure to perform a professional service with the ability and care generally exercised by others in the profession
Appropriate and helpful acts of counseling, personal and/or written contract that come after a funeral