CH 4. NCA - Intangible Assets Flashcards
What are Intangible Assets?
When are they recognised?
An intangible asset is defined as:
‘an identifiable non-monetary asset without physical substance’
The asset must be recognised when:
- Asset is controlled by the entity as a result of a past event
- Expected to generate future economic benefits for the entity
- The cost can be measured reliably.
- The asset is identifiable:
- Arises from contractual/Legal Rights
- is separable (able to separate and sell from other assets)
- Goodwill acquired in a business combination
- Computer software
- Patents
- Copyrights
- Motion picture films
- Customer list
- Mortgage servicing rights
- Licences
- Import quotas
- Franchises
- Customer and supplier relationships
- Marketing rights.
How are intangible assets initially Measured?
Measuring and Intangible asset depends on how it is acquired.
There are 5 Ways to acquire an intangible asset:
1. Separate Acquisition - (Licence or Intellectual property)
- Costs to purchase the assets
2. Acquired as a part of a business combination -
- Fair Value (IFRS 13 Business Combinations)
3. Internally Generated - Goodwill
- Never Recognised
4. Internally Generated - Intangible Assets (R&D)
- Research Phase expensed
- Development Phase must meet “P.I.R.A.T.E”
5. Acquired by Government Grant
- Asset & Grant at F.V
- Nominal Amount + Expenditure directly attributable for use
How do you measure an Internally generated intangible asset?
Goodwill, Marketing and R&D
2 Main types of internally generated assets:-
1. - Goodwill, Marketing, I.P rights internally generated - are never recognised/Capitalised. (ethical issue, difficult to measure and can be taken advantage of by management)
2. - Research & Development - Split in 2 areas:
Research Phase -‘original and planned investigation undertaken with the prospect of gaining new scientific or technical knowledge and understanding’
- Research costs are expensed at all times
Development Phase. - the application of research findings or other knowledge to a plan or design for the production of new or substantially improved materials, devices, products, processes, systems or services before the start of commercial production or use’
Development Expenditure is Capitalised, from the moment the intangible asset meets ALL the following criteria: (P.I.R.A.T.E)
- Probable future economic benefit
- Intention to complete and use/sell an asset
- Resources available to complete the asset for use or sale
- Ability to use or sell
- Technically feasible of completing the asset
- Expenditure can be measured reliably
Development Expenditure is Capitalised, from the moment the intangible asset meets ALL the following criteria: (P.I.R.A.T.E)
How are intangible assets subsequently measured after recognition?
2 Models:
- Amortisation
- Revaluation: (IFRS 13) <span>Very unlikely as there won’t usually be an active market.</span>
If it is used the following RULES MUST be applied:
- F.V reliably measured with reference to active market
- Entire Class must be revalued at the same time
- If an asset in the class can not be revalued, use the cost model
- Regulery revalued so that carrying amount does not differ from F.V
How should an intangible asset be Amortised?
The intangible asset should be
- Assets with Finite useful life is amortised over its useful life (Normal cost model)
- *- Begins when the asset available for use
- Residual Value assumed to be £0 - Nil
- UEL and Amortisation method reviewed annually**
- Assets with an Indefinite useful life should not be amortised but IAS36 requires an annual test for impairment.
What are the Disclosure Requirements of IAS 38? (Intangibles)
- The amortisation methods used
- For intangible assets assessed as having an indefinite useful life, the reasons supporting that assessment
- The date of any revaluations, if applicable, as well as the methods and assumptions used
- A reconciliation of the carrying amount of intangibles at the beginning and end of the reporting period
- The amount of research and development expenditure expensed in the period Stakeholder perspective
To be completed