Ch 4 - Limitations Flashcards
Fuel Weight: Tank 1 and 4 (each)
8310 lbs
Fuel Weight: Tank 2 and 3 (each)
7650 lbs
Fuel Weight: L and R Auxiliary (each)
5810 lbs
Fuel Weight: L and R External (each)
8900 lbs
Fuel Weight: Fuselage Tank
24,390 lbs
Fuel Weight: Total Internal and External (with fuselage tank)
85,730 lbs
Fuel Weight: Total Internal and External (without fuselage tank)
61,340 lbs
Avoid abrupt or full rudder deflection with flaps lever positioned \_\_\_\_\_ or greater (high rudder boost) and airspeed \_\_\_\_\_ or greater
15%, 210 KIAS
With FLAP extension, maximum load factor is _____ in symmetrical maneuvers and _____ in unsymmetrical maneuvers
2.0 g and 1.5g
Prohibited Maneuvers
- Aerobatics and spins.
- Practice stalls with power above 1,000 HP.
- Practice asymmetric power stalls.
- Intentional zero or negative G maneuvers lasting longer than 7 seconds.
- Sustained airspeed below stick pusher speed.
- Intentionally maneuvering the aircraft into a sideslip for a LEFT/RIGHT RUDDER alert.
- Abrupt longitudinal control inputs at high speeds (faster than 1.0 g per second load factor increase or decrease).
- Rapid roll reversals (roll rate shall be zero momentarily before applying full aileron in the opposite
direction). - At airspeeds above 150 KIAS, moderate to large rudder input held until sideslip peaks followed by opposite rudder (past neutral) or a series of large alternating rudder inputs tending to produce successively larger
sideslip angles.
If bleed air is available from another operating engine, a starter assisted air start can be accomplished at any airspeed less than approximately ___ KIAS (NG below ___). If bleed air is not available or if the engine starter is not functional, maintain NG between _____. If the propeller is windmilling at ___ NP, NG will stabilize at ___ at speeds as low as _____. If the propeller is feathered, speed as high as 200
to 250 KIAS may be required to achieve the required 15 percent NG.
250 KIAS, 29%, 15 and 29%, 100%, 15%, 110-130 KIAS
Propeller Aux Pump Operating Limits:
- Static Prop Feathering: ___ cycles
- What is a cycle:
- Feathering command limitations:
- What is counted for feathering command:
-2 cycles
-A cycle is counted each time the aux feather pump is used to drive the propeller from feather to reverse to feather.
-Feathering is limited to four commands
-A feather command is counted each time the FIRE handle is pulled or the
PROPELLER CONTROL switch is placed to FEATHER.
Takeoff Crosswind and Tailwind Restrictions
If the aircraft is not pointed into the wind ±45° (i.e., wind is from 045° to 315°) and wind is greater than 15 but less
than 35 knots, the limitation is 2,500 HP max until indicated speed is greater than 35 knots.
Windmilling Propeller Limitation: Do not allow the engine to turn at less than ___ NG for greater than ___ , or greater than ___ NG for
___ with a propeller feathered (propeller is visibly rotating at less than one half revolution per second) with
oil supplied (FIRE handle in). Slow rotation of the engine causes oil to pool in the sumps and subsequent restart may result in an engine fire. An airspeed of ___ should ensure the gas generator rotor is turning fast enough
(greater than ___ NG) to ensure the power section lube scavenge pump is rotating fast enough for the pump to scavenge the center sump.
7%, 3 min, 7%, 20 min, 165 KIAS, 7%
To ensure sufficient liferaft capacity, no more than ___ persons, including crewmembers, should be carried on
extended over-water flights that operate more than ___ nautical miles from the nearest shore line.
80, 50
Define high strength airfields
High strength airfields are paved runways considered to be either R/rigid (concrete paved) or F/flexible (asphalt paved).
Define marginal strength airfields
Marginal strength airfields are temporary airfields which include minimally surfaced and unsurfaced runways such as dirt, grass, gravel, coral, etc.
Define substandard airfields
Substandard airfields may be either paved or unpaved, and are those which have unusually rough, undulating, pitted, or rutted runways.
With a feathered propeller (less than one half revolutions per second), and no oil supply (FIRE handle pulled),
maximum time before an air start is up to ___. If the engine can be restarted before these time limits expire, the
engine should be operated for a minimum of ___ at FLIGHT IDLE to circulate the oil.
6 hours, 20 minutes
APU Door Operation
9-18 sec
APU Start Light on speed
35 sec
APU Normal RPM
APU Maximum RPM
260 to 680 °C normal, 710 °C maximum
APU Limits: Bleed Air Pressure
40 to 50 psi
APU Limits: Bleed Air Pressure check, 30-15 PSI
Not less than 22 seconds
APU Limits: Voltage
APU Limits: Load
Fuel Boost Pump Pressure: Auxiliary
28 to 40
Fuel Boost Pump Pressure: External
28 to 40
Fuel Boost Pump Pressure: Main
15 to 24
Fuel Boost Pump Pressure: Transfer
28 to 40
What is considered fuel unbalanced
> 1,000 lb between symmetrical pair
>1,500 lbs between wings
When is emergency fuel allowed and for how long?
Emergency fuel shall be used only to allow the aircraft to proceed to a base where primary fuel is available. Aviation
fuels used as emergency fuels are restricted to one-time flight of not more than 6 hours.
Autopilot Limitations:
Do not operate with the autopilot engaged during the following situations:
1. Takeoff and landing.
2. At airspeeds above maximum recommended airspeed VH.
3. ILS coupled approach below 200 feet HAT (CAT I), 100 feet HAT (CAT II), below MDA on a non-precision
approach, or when flying over the localizer transmitter.
4. During IPRA coupled approach below 200 feet HAT.
During approach with any engine(s) inoperative, do not operate with the
autothrottles engaged. An autopilot coupled approach can be flown with
the engine(s) inoperative if manual, symmetric power changes are made.
5. At or below 500 feet AGL for nonapproach operations.
6. In RVSM airspace, unless the autopilot, in ALT HOLD mode is able to maintain altitude within ±65 feet of
ATC assigned flight level (steady, level flight in non-turbulent conditions) at all times during normal cruise.
7. At gross weights above 164,000 lbs for any of the following:
a. Below 1,000 feet AGL.
b. During configuration changes.
c. During approach operations.
Windmilling Prop Limit NG <7% with fire handle IN
3 minutes or accelerate to greater than 7% (165 KIAS) or pull the fire handle
Windmilling Prop Limit NG >7% with fire handle IN
20 minutes or pull the fire handle
Windmilling Prop Limit Prop windmilling at 100% with fire handle IN
5 minutes or pull the fire handle
If the propeller is windmilling (greater than one half revolution per second) with oil supplied (FIRE handle in) the engine should be started before ___ minutes and the engine operated at flight idle for at least 5 minutes to scavenge the oil sumps. If any of the time limits are exceeded maintenance action is required. If a greater emergency exists and the engine must be restarted, recommend flight idle for 5 minutes to scavenge the
pooled oil.
5, 5
AFCS IAS Hold Accuracy?
AFCS VS Hold Accuracy?
±70 fpm at 1,000 fpm
±40 feet with ±75 foot overshoot at 1,000 fpm (ALT Hold 40 as well)
Airspeed indicators must agree within:
Static reading at field elevation must agree within:
±50 feet of field elevation
HUD/PFD, and standby compass headings must agree within:
Oil Quantity White Readout
4 to 14.1 gallons
Cabin altimeter (zero differential at field elevation)
±500 feet of actual field pressure altitude
Hydraulic System Pressure White Readout
2,900 to 3,200 psi
Emergency Brake Pressure White Readout
2,900 to 3,300 psi
Oxygen Quantity White Readout
5 to 25.0 liters
Oxygen Regulator Pressure for Continuous Breathing
270 to 340 psi
Oxygen Regulator Pressure for No Flow
270 to 455 psi
Outflow valve differential control
14.3° ±0.2° in. Hg
Safety valve
15.0° ±0.3° in. Hg (do not exceed 16.0 in. Hg)
Negative pressure relief
-0.76 in. Hg
Negative pressure limit
Do not exceed -1.6 in. Hg
Max Cabin Differential Pressure
15.2 in. Hg
Max % of load for AC Gen and Ess and Main DC Buses
Starting MGT of ___ C for a maximum of ___ sec is permitted. If exceeded, over temperature inspection required
807, 2
Engine starts prohibited when oil temperature is ___ C or below
Prior to start maximum MGT is ___ C
Transient operations up to ___% during transition from flight idle to ground idle is acceptable
Takeoff permitted with an oil temperature of ___ C
Maximum horsepower for normal operation is limited to _____
4840 HP