Ch. 4-Healthcare Reimbursement Methodologies Flashcards
Accountable care organization (ACO)
Population-based model for healthcare delivery and payment
Allowable charge
Amount the third-party payer or insurance company will pay for a service
Assignment of a beneficiary to a particular organization (may be an ACO)
Billed charges
Price assigned to a unit of medical or health services, such as a physician’s visit or day in hospital
Bundled payment
Reimbursement methodology where a predetermined payment amount is provided for all services required for a single predefined episode-of-care
Method of payment for health services in which an individual or institutional provider is paid a fixed, per capita amount for a period
Case-rate methodology
Type of prospective payment method in which the third-party payer reimburses the provider a fixed, preestablished payment for each case
CMS hierarchical condition categories (CMS-HCC) model
Risk adjustment model that uses patient demographic characteristics and medical conditions to predict the patient’s healthcare costs
Used in Medicare Advantage and Medicare value-based purchasing programs
Fee schedule
Third-party payer’s predetermined list of maximum allowable fees for each healthcare service
Global payment method
Method of payment in which the third-party payer makes one consolidated payment to cover the services of multiple providers who are treating a single episode-of-care
One-sided risk
Type of risk used in ACO payment methodology where the ACO can share in any savings generated by the organization, but are not subject to any sharing of the cost if there is not savings or if the cost of care is higher while patients are attributed to the ACO
The amount paid to a healthcare provider for services provided to a patient
Per diem payment
Type of retrospective payment method in which the third-party payer reimburses the provider a fixed rate for each day a covered member is hospitalized
Per member per month (PMPM)
The amount of money paid each month for individuals enrolled in the health insurance plan under a capitation reimbursement methodology
Percent of billed charges
Type of retrospective reimbursement methodology where the payer negotiates to reimburse the facility or provider a percentage of the charge amount for a service, supply, procedure, or conferment period
Prospective reimbursement
Type of reimbursement in which the third-party payer establishes the payment rates for healthcare services in advance for a specific time period
Retrospective reimbursement
Type of reimbursement in which the payer bases payment on the actual resources expended to deliver the service(s)
Risk adjustment
Statistical process that considers the underlying health status and health spending of patients when examining their healthcare outcomes or healthcare costs
Two-sided risk
Type of risk used in ACO payment methodology where the ACO must share in the loss if the cost of care for their attributed beneficiaries is greater than the benchmark as well as any savings if the cost of care is lower than the benchmark