Ch 4 - External Environmental Analysis Flashcards
Purpose of External Analysis
- ID opps and threats
- Id S + W
- assess competition
- meet stakeholder needs
Problems with external analysis
- increased volatiluty and rate of change
- more volatility due to changes intech / increased globalisation / unpredictable demand
- So VIPT to undertake PEST regularily
Criticiisms of PEST
1) Becomes obsolete quickly
2) Prone to bias
3) May be incomplete
What is Porters 5 Force Analysis
- Examines Org Industry (Threat of NE, Buersm Suppliers, Subs, competitive rivalry)
- Big growing industry not determinant of high profits. 5 forces do
- Strong collectively - low profitability overall
Criticisims of 5 Forces
- Distracts from seeing customers as potential partners
- may take too long for some industries
- Outside in V inside out - may be difficult for competency based orgs e.g hi tech
- ignores role of Gov
- Doesnt help NFP’s
- Ingores collaboration potential - assumes orgs act individually
What does industry life cycle analyisis help with
- To suggest strategies orgs should consider in order to compete( whole org / individual products / divisions etc)
Industry Life Cycle Analysis - Introduction
Purchased by innovators
high launch costs inititally
little competition
production volume low while product cost high
buyers unsophistacted
Pioneer Companies often required to sell the concept
PED effect strategy e.g Skimming or penetration
Early entry is risky but could get MS increase
Industry Life Cycle Analysis - Growth Stage
- Sales for the market grow
- NEw comp enters
- new segments may open up
- demand / customers become more sophisticated
- Comp increases
- market becomes profitable
- many new consumers with no pref who they buy from
- prices often fall due to EoFs / competitiion
Industry Life Cycle Analysis - Maturity Stage
Growth slows
- fully spohisticated demand
- high competition
- price sensitive
- demand saturated
- desirable to have high ms now
- Be ready to modify
Industry Life Cycle Analysis - Decline
- No. Of Customers Fall
- competition reduces as they leave
- pricess fall -
- “slow” harvesting needs balancing with divest decisions
- investment minimised
- may be profitable niches
Life Cycle Analysis Considerations
- Offer range of products at stages. mature will fund new etc
- competencies need to change e.g innovation early, cost / efficiency later
- mgmt anticipation of decline can cause decline - reduce investment etc.
- strategies will change
Life Cycle Strategy - Intro strategy 4 ps
Product - Offer Basic Product
Price - Cost Plus
Promotion - build Awareness
Place - Limited
Life Cycle Strategy - Growth strategy 4ps
Product - Extensions and warranty
Price - Penetration
Promotion - Awareness to mass market
Place - Growing
Life Cycle Strategy - Maturity strategy 4ps
Product - Diversity
Price - Matching
Promotion - Stress brand differences
Place - Maximising
Life Cycle Strategy - Decline strategy 4ps
Product - Phase out weak
Price - cutting
Promotion - reduce to level that would maintain loyal
Place - limited
Life Cycle Strategy - Usefulness
1) Improved Planning - e,g how demand not forever
2) Budgeting - understand when products use /gen cash
3) Proactive
What does competitor analysis seek t do
1) provide understanding of comp adv/ disadv
2) help generated insights into comp strategies past / present and potential
3) provide informed basis for developing future strategies
Grants 3 Purposes of Competitor Analysis
1) Forecast competitor decisions / strategies
2) predict likely reactions to initiatives
3) determine how comp behavious can be infleunced to achieve more favourable outcomes
Competitor Analysis Framework Step 1
Id Competitor
Brand - similar to comp
Industry - similar products different segments
Form - differ product same needs (speed boat v car)
Generic - compete for same income but different
Competitor Analysis Framework Step 2
Anayse Competitors (result in predictions what strategye change likley to implment / how will they change ? )
- Objecties (goals etc)
- Strategy (how compete , where)
- Assumptions (what assumption comp holds)
- resources and competencies
Competitor Analysis Framework Step 3
Develop Profiles Laid Back - Doesnt respond Selective - reacts only selectively Tiger - Responds Aggresively Stoicastic - Predictable
Global Competition - Risk of entering new market
varied cultures varied cost structures different competitive levels exchange rate volatilty different economic situations Political involvement Political situation
Global Competition - Benefits of new market access
- EoS
- Cheaper Mats
- Mgmt Opps
- Political Sponsorship
- Market Development
- Risk Reduction - portfolio spread
Competitive Advantage of Nations - Porters Diamond. Discuss.
4 Factors
1) Factor Conditions - Supply side
basic (unsustainable) can lead to advance factors. Human, physical, capital etc
2) Demand Factors
- Sophisticated home demand = increased product quality
3) Related and Supporting Industry
- Superior supplier industries
4) Strategy, Structure and Rivalry
Porters Diamond - he noted two other events. What were they
1) Role of Gov
2) Chance Events
Criticism to Diamond
- FDI doent increase competition.
- Doesnt look at multinationals
- Non enough on service based companies
- too much focus on domestic country not target .