CH 4 Flashcards
What is comprehension?
- understanding written text
- can’t have good comprehension without good word recognition (vice versa)
what is the aim of reading?
comprehension of text
what is metacognition
awareness of the systems and strategies being used while reading
what is schema
- sum total of our background knowledge and experiences that we bring to reading
- can infer/accurately guess if you aren’t given all the info
- thinking needs to be flexible, cannot always rely of schema
how do our eye move when reading?
series of jumps (saccade) and stops (fixations)
What does Rosenblatt’s transactional theory suggest?
meaning lies in the transaction between the reader and the text, not just one or the other
What is the 6-level process in Bloom’s taxonomy’s cognitive domain?
- create (produce new work)
- evaluate (critique)
- analyze (draw connections)
- apply (use Information in new situation)
- understand (explain)
- remember (recall)
What are Smith’s 4 Levels of Comprehension?
- literal level (identify and recall material)
- interpretive/inferential level (contrast, draw conclusions, predict)
- critical level (judge, analyze, validate)
- final creative level (respond emotionally, application of info)
What is the Matthew Effect?
- rich get richer phenomenon
- readers with a good background base race ahead in comprehension
- readers get better by reading
what is dual coding theory?
need to build semantic knowledge through concrete examples such as visual images and real world experiences
what are the 4 sources of information used to decode text?
- semantic
- syntactic
- graphophonic
- visual
what is the SQ3R comprehension technique?
- survey
- question
- read
- recite
- review