ch 4 Flashcards
point of origin
place were all transformation are executed in relation to a fixed point
4 basic methods for making transformation
click transfer tool then click and drag to the art board
double click transform tool
click transform tool the click the art board
click the transform tool then press alt then click the art board
free transform
applies an eight handled bounding box to selected image
transform panel
displays info about the size, orientation, and location of one or more selected objects
x/y coordinates
indicates objects horizontal and vertical locations on the art board
shear tool
hidden behind scale tool- shears at an angle
refers to objects that share the same center point
outline stroke command
converts a stroked path into a closed path that is same with as the original stroked path
compound shape
2 or more paths are combined in a way that “holes” appear where ever paths overlap
group of present operations that help you combine paths in a variety of way
add to shape area
converts 2 or more overlapping objects into a single merged object
subtract from shape area
where objects overlap
intersect shape area
creates a single merged object from the area where 2 or more objects overlap
minus back
deletes the back most object from the front most object
divides an object into its component filled faces
when you change am objects size, shape or position on the art board
5 transformation tools
rotate, scale, reflect, shear, and free transform tool
flips objects across axis good for tracing symmetrical objects like a spoon
skews or distorts an object good for depth
transform each
good for transforming multiple objects individually
offset path command
creates a copy of a selected path set off by a specifieddistance
good for creating completes or irregular shapes from basic shapes
align panel
offers a quick and simple solution for aligning selected objects along the axis you specify
clipping mask
window through which you view some or all of the objects behind the mask in stacking order like putting a picture inside text