Ch. 37: Care of a Persons with a History of Abuse Flashcards
What is self esteem?
how one feels about oneself. Its components are self-acceptance, self-worth, self-love, self nurturing
What is the major type of abuse in women, children & elderly?
Intimate violence (perpetrator is loved & trusted person)
Empowerment is foreign to those abused. What is empowerment?
Empowerment is the promotion of the continued growth & development of strength, power, and personal excellence.
What is the greatest cause of injury to women?
“Battering” - repeated physical or sexual violence with the intent of coercive control
What is sexual assault?
Sexual assault includes any form of non-consenting sexual activity, ranging from fondling to penetration.
What is a risk factory for HIV infection in women?
ABUSE - fear of violent partner’s behaviour may prevent women from insisting on use of condoms
What is stalking?
Stalking is a crime of intimidation. occurs over a period of time which causes distress or fear for safety
what is the most common form of child maltreatment?
Child neglect & witnessing intimate partner violence
*Child neglect is the most reported
What is factitious disorder by proxy?
form of child abuse. includes the intentional production or feigning of physical or psychological signs & symptoms in another person who is under the individual’s care for the purpose of indirectly assuming the sick role
What is secondary abuse?
children of battered women
What is the psychopathology theory that seeks to understand violence?
Set of characteristics that may identify violent men.
Type 1 - antisocial & violent in many situations
Type 2 - abuse only their family; commit less severe violence
Type 3 - dysphoric-borderline or schizoid tendencies; abusive only within family
What is social learning theory?
Men who view violence as children become violent as adults
What are the most common responses to violence & abuse?
Acute stress disorder (within 1st month - resolves in 2-3 days)
Posttraumatic stress disorder
Dissociative identity disorder
Person must experience one of the 4 clusters of symptoms for PTSD. They are:
- Intrusion - relive as if it were continually recurring
flashbacks, nightmare vivid, amygdala involved in memory - Avoidance
- Negative Cognitions & mood - numbing
- Hyperarousal - stress system goes on permanent alert, dopamine hyperactivity, behavioural sensitization
What is dissociative Identity Disorder?
Formerly “multiple personality disorder” - two or more distinct identities with unique personality characteristics & inability to recall important information about self
what is alexithymia?
risk factor for revictimization. Defined as inability to express one’s feelings
What medications are used to treat symptoms of PTSD?
benzodiazepines - anxiety & sleep disturbance (anticholinergic side effects)
beta blockers
Antidepressants - SSRIs