ch. 34: nursing care of high risk newborn Flashcards
What is considered preterm?
< 37 weeks
Should free flow oxygen in an incubator be used?
NO, because pressure fluctuates dramatically each time the doors are open
When is an O2 hood used?
when a baby can breathe on their own but needs extra O2
When does a baby need nasal cannula O2?
if they can breathe alone but need extra O2
When is a CPAP required?
-if O2 hood or nasal cannula not working
-the positive pressure keeps alveoli open and improves expansion of lungs
What is important to insert when a baby is receiving oxygen through CPAP?
an orogastric tube to decompress stomach and minimize air in GI tract
When is mechanical ventilation requited?
- if CPAP and other methods not working
-INDICATION: ABGs show hypoxia or hypercapnia
How is surfactant administered?
endotracheal tube
What does nitric oxide do?
provide pulmonary vasodilation
How do you preform suctioning on a baby?
for only 5-10 sec at a time w/ O2 before and after
What positions promote the drainage of secretions?
side-lying or prone
What is respiratory distress syndrome?
surfactant deficiency leads to alveolar collapse and noncompliant lungs
What can RDS cause?
hypoxia and acidosis
When do s/s or RDS appear?
immediately after birth or within 6 hrs of birth
What are the s/s of RDS?
-poor gas exchange
-occasional apnea
How is RDS dx?
CXR reveals HYPOAERATED lungs and air filled bronchi
Why is a blood culture done while dx RDS?
to rule out pneumonia
What is the treatment of RDS?
-adequate ventilation & O2
-PPV, CPAP, O2 therapy
-surfactant admin
-axb may be started before blood culture results
-maintain proper fluids and nutrition
What is Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD)?
lung and airways are damaged causing tissue destruction (dysplasia) in alveoli
What is the cause of BPD?
-pulmonary immaturity
- ↓ surfactant
-lung injury and tretch
-barotrauma (injury by ↑ air pressure)
-inflammation by O2 exposure
-fluid overload
What are s/s of BPD?
-nasal flaring
-↑ respiratory effort
-activity intolerance
How is BPD dx?
-assessment: crackles in lungs, ↓ air movement, wheezing
What is the treatment for BPD?
-fluid restriction
-meds (diuretics, bronchodilators, corticosteroids)
-vit A (heal injuries)
What is retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)?
eye disease the can occur in premature babies:
-scarring & retinal attachment can occur
-mild to severe visual impairment
What is the cause of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)?
O2 tensions that are too HIGH for the level of retinal maturity
What is the treatment of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)?
-prevention of preterm birth and early detection
-closely monitor blood O2
-O2 and ventilator settings should be adjusted to keep SpO2 within 88-92%
-laser photocoagulation to stop blood vessel growth
What is meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS)?
there is meconium in the amniotic fluid which can lead to mechanical obstruction of airways and inflammation of lungs
What term babies are at risk for MAS?
postmature ≥ 42 weeks
Why are postmature babies are increased risk for MAS?
postmaturity can be associated w/ placental insufficiency not meeting O2 demand of fetus, and a hypoxic event in utero can lead to MAS
What are s/s of MAS?
-yellowish/pale green stained skin
How is MAS dx?
presence of meconium on amniotic fluid
What intervention is IMMEDIATELY performed on an infant with MAS who is NOT VIGOROUS?
endotracheal suctioning
What is the treatment of MAS?
-axb to prevent infection
-possible use of ventilator