Ch. 33: Adrenal drugs Flashcards
Name the layers of the adrenal glands and the hormone(s) secreted in each layer
Adrenal cortex = outer
outer zona glomerulosa secretes mineralocorticoids = aldosterone
middle zona fasciculata secretes glucocorticoids = cortisol
inner zona reticularis = sex hormones
Adrenal medulla = inner
epinephrine (80%) and norepinephrine (20%)
What type of tissue is the adrenal gland made up of (divide by sections)
adrenal cortex = 80-90% and is endocrine tissue
adrenal medulla = 10-20% and is neurosecretory tissue
What type of hormones are secreted by the adrenal cortex? Adrenal medulla?
Adrenal cortical hormones are all steroid hormones
Adrenal medulla hormones are catecholamines
What are functions of glucocorticoids?
carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism
maintenance of normal BP
stress effects
What are the functions of mineralocorticoids?
BP control
maintenance of pH levels in blood
maintenance of serum potassium levels
sodium and water reabsorption
Where are adrenal corticosteroids stored in the body?
Trick question: adrenal corticosteroids are synthesized as needed ie. the body does not store them
How are body levels of adrenal hormones regulated?
Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis = negative feedback mechanism:
low levels of corticosteroid –> corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) from hypothalamus –> adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) from anterior pituitary –> corticosteroids from adrenals
What is hypersecretion of adrenocortical hormones called?
Cushing’s syndrome
What are some manifestations of Cushing’s syndrome?
redistribution of fat from the arms/legs to face, trunk and abdomen –> moon face, buffalo hump, purple striae
primary aldosteronism –> water retention and muscle weakness from sodium retention and potassium loss
What is hyposecretion of adrenocortical hormones called?
Addison’s disease
What are some manifestations of Addison’s disease?
decreased blood sodium and glucose levels increased potassium levels dehydration weight loss hypotension
Which corticosteroid is the only drug with exclusive mineralocorticoid acitivity?
What are the effects of corticosteroids?
have some mineralocorticoid activity (similar to aldosterone)
inhibition of inflammatory and immune responses by stabilizing cell membranes of inflammatory cells, decreasing permeability of capillaries to the inflammatory cells, and decreasing the migration of WBC into already inflamed areas
Glucocorticoids promote the SYNTHESIS/BREAKDOWN of protein, production of GLYCOGEN/GLUCOSE in the liver, and redistribution of fat from the PERIPHERAL/CENTRAL areas to the PERIPHERAL/CENTRAL areas of the body
Glucocorticoids may lower fever by reducing the release of ____________ from WBC
They also stimulate __________ cells that eventually become ____________.
breakdown glycogen peripheral central interleukin-1 erythroid RBC
Which of the following are CI's for glucocorticoids: cataracts and glaucoma PUD DM infection tuberculous meningitis heart, kidney, or liver dysfunction
all except tuberculous meningitis