Ch 30: Spirituality Flashcards
definition of spirituality
essence of our being that transcends and connects us to the Divine and other living organisms; relationships and feelings
definition of religion
human-created structures, rituals, symbolism, and rules relating to the Divine; structured way of expressing of spirituality
what is an atheist
believe there is no superior being or god, and are certain
what is an agnostic
doubt if there is a superior being or god, but are uncertain
spiritual needs and their meanings
love - unconditional; feeling of caring
meaning and purpose - All life experiences make sense and served a purpose; nothing is in vain; understanding of significance in the world
hope - expectation of something in the future
dignity - sense of value and worth through connection
Considered healing; can facilitate the process of putting things in order and achieving closure
Appreciation and thankfulness; nourishes the spirit and strengthens the ability to cope; facilitated with a life review
Reality beyond ourselves; belief that a higher power empowers us; thinks about life beyond material existence
Belief in a higher power expressed through religious practices
expression of faith
lack of spiritual well-being
Actual/perceived disruption in the relationship with a higher power and/or spiritual needs aren’t fulfilled
causes of lack of spiritual well-being
illness, declining health, added burdens, past sinful behavior, losses, awareness of mortality, conflicts b/w
spiritual and medical needs
s/s of lack of spiritual well-being
low self-esteem,
refusal to make plans,
suicidal thoughts,
questioning beliefs
assessment of spiritual needs should address:
Faith beliefs and practices
Affiliation with a faith community
Extent of fulfillment of spiritual needs
assessing spiritual needs data is collected through:
Admission history
Visible cues
Lack of spiritual well-being/distress
addressing spiritual needs
Strong spiritual beliefs facilitate health and healing
Be available
-Develop trust, provide undivided attention, attentive listening
Honor beliefs and practices
-Special diets, refusing care on Sabbath, wearing of specific clothing, praying at specific times of the day, provide privacy for beliefs and practices, provide religious texts, etc.
Provide opportunities for solitude
-Allows personal communication with higher power
-Calms the mind and assist in focusing thoughts to the present
-Prayer, reflection, meditation
–Can reduce stress, stimulate immune function, and control pain
promoting hope
Establish a trusting relationship, identify factors leading to hopelessness
Develop realistic goals
Life review to highlight successes
Find pleasure and enjoyment in current activities
Encourage a relaxing, uplifting environment
Facilitate spiritual practices & religious services
Developing affirmations
Personal journal
Music therapy
Support group
Humor therapeutically
assisting in discovering meaning
Older adults can question their current purpose
Open, nonjudgmental attitude for the nurse
facilitating religious practices
Contact clergy as needed
Ensure/evaluate safe use of religious practices
Do not challenge beliefs/practices or attempt to change them
Respect the option not to participate
praying with and for our patients
- Can be beneficial for healing
- Perform if it doesn’t violate the
client’s or your faith - If you are not comfortable, ask
religious beliefs and practices of Baptist
Believe Jesus Christ is savior; scripture reading is
important; encourage abstinence from alcohol;
healing power in laying hands; may believe illness is
God’s will and may respond passively to care
religious belief and practices of Buddhism
Enlightenment in meditation; vegetarian; abstain from alcohol and tobacco; may refuse treatment on religious holidays; private, uninterrupted time for mediation is important
religious beliefs and practices with Catholicism
Believe in the Pope as the head of the church; fast during Lent and on Fridays; use of rosary beads, medals, statues, and other objects; priest provides communion, confession, and Sacrament of the Sick
religious beliefs and practices of Hinduism
One of the world’s oldest religions; belief in karma and reincarnation; illnesses viewed as a sin from past life; vegetarian; abstain from alcohol and tobacco; no fixed scripture or doctrine
religious beliefs and practices of Islam
Second largest believe in one God; Koran is scripture; pray five times a day facing Mecca; privacy during prayer; abstain from pork and alcohol; all meat must be blessed and killed in a special way; washing before prayer time; accept medical practices if it does not violate religious
practices; family may wash and prepare deceased body; autopsy and organ donation are not done; women may not be able to make decisions without a man
religious beliefs and practices of Jehovah Witness
Discourage use of alcohol and tobacco; blood transfusions are not accepted; do not eat raw meat
religious beliefs and practices of Judaism
Follow Kosher diet (not mixing milk and meat, no pork or shellfish, no meat not slaughtered in Jewish law, separate utensils for meat and milk); Sabbath restrictions (no smoking, riding in car, handling money, using TV); no use of a razor to shave; men where skullcaps; married women cover their hair; after death, body should not be left alone, no autopsy, body must be buried within 24 hours; prayer important
Can be Orthodox (info above), conservative (same basic laws, but hair is only covered during prayer and worship, may approve autopsy), reform (more casual)
religious beliefs and practices and mormonism
Abstain from alcohol, caffeine, and other substances that are unhealthy; sacred undergarment always worn (except in emergencies); prayer and reading with sacred writings is important; may oppose medical treatments through laying of hands
religious beliefs and practices and Seventh-Day Adventist
Body is a temple; alcohol, tobacco, coffee, tea, and recreational drugs are prohibited; vegetarians, but pork and shellfish are avoided; Sabbath is on Saturday (may oppose treatment on this day)