Ch. 30-31 Study Guide Flashcards
A period of high inflation an high unemployment
Richard M. Nixon
Won 1968 election Called voters the silent majority Promised to restore law an order Republican VP: Spiro T. Agnew and Gerald Ford Resigned after impeachment for Watergate Scandal Claimed executive privilege for tapes
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (middle east)
Hoped to control oil production and sales to keep oil prices high
Energy Crisis
Caused by an oil embargo
Marked by high fuel prices and fuel shortages
Increased stagflation
Caused US to look for new oil source
Henry Kissinger
Nixon’s national security advisor during his first term and his Secretary of State during Nixon’s second term
Helped shape US foreign policy and created realpolitik
German word that means “practical policies”
Favored protecting US interest over defending political or moral ideals oversees
Kissinger’s belief that the US should be willing to cooperate with non democratic countries in certain cases
Leonid Brezhnev
1972 Soviet leader who talked with Nixon concerning nuclear arms race
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
Limited numbers and types of long-range nuclear missiles each country could have
An easing of tensions between US and Soviets due to the SALT treaty
Five men with relations to Nixon put recording devices (bugs) and camera equipment into the Democratic National Committee headquarters in the Watergate building on June 17, 1972
Executive privilege
The president’s right to keep information secret to protect national security
Nixon claims it with tapes
Saturday night massacre
Resignations and firings because of Nixon
Spiro Agnew
Nixon’s first Vice President who resigned because he failed to pay his taxes and he took bribes
Gerald Ford
Nixon’s second Vice President who became president once Nixon resigned
Formally accuse
House of Representatives announces articles of impeachment
Senate holds a trial
If guilty, removed from office
Trade deficit
A trade imbalance that happens when a country imports more goods than it exports
Jimmy Carter
A little know former governor from Georgia who became president in the 1976 election
I will never lie to you
Camp David Accords
Peace agreements between Egypt and Israel
Marked the first time that an Arab country had formed peaceful ties with Israel
Carter’s greatest accomplishment
The system of laws requiring racial segregation in South Africa
Iran hostage crisis
Iran college students held Americans from the US Embassy hostage for over a year
Cause: US housed Shah for medical treatment
Ronald Reagan
Beat Carter in the 1980 election
EPA/Earth Day/Endangered Species Act
Environmental Protection Agency: created to enforce environmental laws
Earth Day: activists raise environmental awareness on April 22, 1970
Endangered Species Act: 1966 federal law forbids hunting endangered species or destroying their environments
States in the south and southwest that attracted many new people and businesses in the 1950s because of low tax rates, warm climate, and jobs
1970s immigration
Thousands of immigrants settled in the Sunbelt to take new jobs in growing high-tech industries, warm climate, and low tax rates
Changes from Europeans to South American, Mexican, and Asian
Computer advances
Microchip 1958 Computers did more and cost less; smaller and cheaper Still too expensive for houses Scientists used them as did the military Steven Job and Stephen Wozniak
1970’s pop culture
George Lucas’s 1977 classic Star Wars
Big budget, special effect movies
Donna Summer in music
Based on supply-side economics
The government could balance the budget by first cutting taxes
The amount by which a government’s spending exceeds its tax revenues
Mikhail Gorbachev
1985 Soviet leader who began perestroika and glasnost
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
Called for elimination of all medium-range nuclear weapons from Europe
Cold War and US tensions were easing
George Bush
Republican 41st president in 1988
Persian gulf war
Americans with disabilities act
Supported War on Drugs
Sassan Hussein
Leader of Iraq 1990 who invaded Kuwait
Persian Gulf War
The US led 30 countries in a successful military effort to drive Iraq from Kuwait
Americans with disabilities act
Guaranteed people with disabilities equal access to places, transportation, and employment opportunities
Under bush
Bill Clinton
1991 Republican 42nd president NAFTA Great prosperity in second term Adultery impeached but innocent Surplus
North Anerican Free Trade Agreement
January 1, 1994
Helped establish free trade between US, Canada, an Mexico
An excess of income or assets over expenditure or liabilities in a given time
George W. Bush
43rd president George Bush's son Republican Sent an education reform package and a plan for tax cuts to congress No child left behind act 9/11
No child left behind act
2002 George w. bush
Required states to establish education standards
Sought to promote more schooling opportunities for families
A period in which overall economic output declines
The use of violent attacks by individuals or small groups with political goals
Culture in the 1900s-200s
Thinning ozone layer Global warming International space station Mars pathfinder European Union World Trade Organization Information Revolution Internet
September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks that destroys NYC’s World Trade Center towers, damaged the Pentagon, claimed almost 3000 lives
Harmed airline industry, contributing to US economic problems