27.3 and 28 History Study Guide Flashcards
Little Rock Nine
Nine outstanding African Americans selected to go to a white school in Little Rock, Arkansas; attempted to desegregate the school systems
Brown vs. Board of Education
Linda Brown was a seven year old blah girl whose father sued the school system because she wasn’t allowed to go to the white school by her house; Supreme Court ruled separate was inherently unequal; overturned Plessy vs. Ferguson: separate but equal; desegregated schools
Rosa Parks
Refused to give up her seat in a bus to a white passenger; was the icon an sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott
Montgomery Bus Boycott
African Americans refused to ride buses and instead carpooled in order to end segregation in the bus systems.
Martin Luther King Jr.
26 year old Baptist minister who led the Montgomery Improvement Association
John F. Kennedy
The youngest US president at 43; a Catholic; people hoped he wouldn’t make decisions based on the Pope; wanted to cut taxes and increase spending
Peace Corps
A volunteer organization created by Kennedy in 1961 to carry out improvement projects in developing countries
New Frontier
a set of domestic reforms created by Kennedy; cut taxes, raise spending, lower steel prices, slightly raise wages
Bay of Pigs
April 1961: 1500 Cuban exiles sent to fight Communism in Cuba; failed attempt to throw Fidel Castro out of power
Berlin Wall
August 13, 1961: workers built it to keep East Berliners out of West Berlin
Cuban Missile Crisis
Soviets had missiles in Cuba that US planes spotted while flying overhead; Soviets moved some of their missiles, we moved some of ours
Lyndon B. Johnson
Kennedy’s Vice President who took office dyer his assassination
Warren Commision
Group of investigators who spent months studying Kennedy’s assassination
War on Poverty
A series of programs to help poor Americans
Provides health insurance for people with low incomes
Includes people 65 an older in a government health care plan
Alan Shepard Jr.
First American launched into space
Neil Armstrong
First man on the moon
Edwin Aldrin
Second man on the moon who arrived with Armstrong
A demonstration in which protesters sit down in a location and refuse to leave
Freedom Rides
Protested segregation on buses in southern bus stations
March on Washington
A nationwide demonstration led by African Americans in support of civil rights
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Banned segregation in public places such as restaurants and transportation facilities
Malcolm X
A leader of the Nation of Islam, a religious group that favored black separatism
Cesar Chavez
Formed a union in 1962 to improve pay and working conditions for migrant farm workers, many of whom were Mexican and Mexican American
Chicano Movement
Sought to increase Hispanic cultural pride and political power
Disabled in Action
1970: brought together people with many different disabilities to try to meet their needs
American Indian Movement
1968: fought for the rights and properties guaranteed in earlier treaties
Voting Rights Act of 1964
Gave the federal government the power to inspect voter registration procedures and to protect all citizens’ voting rights
Generation Gap
Division between older and younger people
A culture with values that ran counter to, or against, those of main society
Members of the counterculture that tried different lifestyles
Andy Warhol
The most famous pop artist; Campbell’s soup cans and Marilyn Monroe’s face
The Beatles
Began the “British Invasion” of pop artists; a foursome from Liverpool, England who sparked a wave of excitement through their American fans
A symbol of the counterculture’s optimistic spirit
Civil Rights Movement: 1950s-1960s
Brown vs. Board o Education: separate is inherently unequal
Little Rock Nine: began integration in the school system
Montgomery Bus Boycott: led to integrated bus system
Martin Luther King Jr.: I Have a Dream and March on Washington
Medicaid: for low income families
Medicare: for elderly (65+)
Sit-ins: peaceful protests
Civil Rights Act of 1964: banned segregation of public places
Voting Rights Act of 1965: protected all civilian voting rights
Chicano Movement: Hispanic rights
Disabled in Action: rights and help
American Indian Movement: keep land and self-government
3 Main Cold War Issues
Bay of Pigs: Cuban exiles used to fight against Castro; US didn’t send air support an expected the public to rise up against Castro; they did not and it was a failure; showed that Castro was more powerful than he actually was and that the US was less powerful than it actually was
Berlin Wall: built to stop East Berliners from moving into West Berlin; no one was willing to go to war over Berlin’s newly strict border; US sent additional US troops to respond to the “brutal border closing”
Cuban Missile Crisis: Soviets had missiles in Cuba that the US planes spotted; Soviets moved some of their missiles and the US moved some of theirs; Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (no more above ground testing of nuclear weapons)