Ch. 3 Types of Fire Apparatus Flashcards
NFPA 1901
Standard for Automotive Fire Apparatus
NFPA 1931
Standard for Manufacturer’s Design of Fire Department Ground Ladders
NFPA 1983
Standard on Life Safety Rope and Equipment for Emergency Services.
NFPA 1981
Standard if Open Circuit SCBA for Fire and Emergency Services
The general requirements that apply to all fire apparatus are:
- Specific performance requirements
- The maximum number of FF who will ride on the apparatus
- The specific electrical loads
- Any homeliness, ground ladders, or equipment to be carried by the apparatus that exceeds the minimum requirements
Operating Components of an apparatus when loaded to its estimate weight:
- From a standing start the apparatus must be able to attain 35 mi/h within 25 seconds on a level road
- It must be able to obtain a minimum top speed of 50 mph on a level road
- It must be able to maintain a speed of at least 30 mph on any grade up to and including 6 percent
- The maximum top speed with a GVWR of 26000 must not exceed 68 mph
Aerial Fire Apparatus
a vehicle equipped with an aerial ladder, elevating platform or water tower that is designed and equipped to support firefighting and rescue operations by positioning personnel, handling materials, providing personnel, handling materials, providing continuous egress or discharging water at positions elevated from the ground.
Aerial Ladder
a self supporting, turntable mounted, power operated ladder of two or more sections permanently attached to a self propelled automotive fore apparatus and designed to provided a continuous egress route from an elevated position to the ground
Aircraft Rescue and FF Vehicle
a vehicle intended to carry rescue and FF equipment for rescuing occupants and combating fires in aircraft at or in the vicinity of an airport.
The basic operating Motor vehicle including the engine, the frame and other essential structural and mechanical parts
Fire apparatus
a fire department emergency vehicle used for rescue, fire suppression, or other specialized functions
Initial Attack Fire apparatus
Fire apparatus with a fire pump of at least 250 gum capacity, water tank, and hose body, whose primary purpose is to initiate a fire suppression attack on structural vehicular, or vegetation fire and to support associated fire department operations
Miscellaneous equipment
Portable tools and equipment carried on a fire apparatus, not including suction hose, fire hose, ground ladders, fixed power sources, hose reels, cord reels, breathing air systems or other major equipment or components specified by the purchaser to be permanently mounted on the apparatus as received from the apparatus manufacturer
Mobile foam fire apparatus
Fire apparatus with a permanently mounted fire pump, foam proprtioning system and foam concrete tank, whose primary purpose is use in the control and extinguishment of flammable and combustible liquid fires in storage tanks and other flammable liquid spills
Mobile water Supply Apparatus
a vehicle designed primarily for transporting water to fire emergency scenes to be applied by other vehicles or pumping equipment. Also known as a tanker and tender
Pumper fire apparatus
Fire apparatus with a permanently mounted fire pump of at least 750 gpm capacity, water tank, and hose body, w hose primary purpose is to combat structural and associated fires.
Fire apparatus with a permanently mounted fire pump, a water tank, a hose storage area, an aerial ladder or elevating platform with a permanently mounted waterway and a complement of ground ladders
Per NFPA, a pumper must be equipped with minimum pump of ___ gpm and a water holding tank of at least ______ gallons
750 gpm; 300 gallons
List the minimum ladders a fire apparatus must carry:
- one straight ladder with roof hooks
- one extension ladder
- one attic ladder
At minimum, a fire apparatus must have ___ ft of supply hose equipped with hydrant connections threads on one end and pump intake connection threads on the other; or ___ ft of hard suction hose with a strainer
15 (4.5 m); 20 (6 m)
What type of fire hose and nozzles are required by the NFPA 1901?
- 800 ft of 2 1/2 “ or larger supply/ attack hose
- 400 ft 1 1/2, 1 3/4 or 2” attack hose
- One combination spray nozzle capable of giving 200 gpm
- Two combination spray nozzles capable of giving off 95 gpm
- One play pipe with shut off and 1, 1 1/8 and 1 1/4 “ tips