Ch 3. The Cox PH Model and Its Characteristics Flashcards
Tests statistics typically used with ML estimates (2)
- Wald statistic
- likelihood ratio (LR statistic): makes use of the log likelihood statistic.
Testing the significance of interaction using Likelihood Ratio (LR) statistic
We need to compute the difference between the log likelihood statistic of the reduced model which does not contain the interaction term and the log likelihood statistic of the full model containing the interaction term.
In general, the LR statistic can be written in the form -2lnLR minus -2lnLF, where R denotes the reduced model and F denotes the full model.
LR = -2 ln LR - (-2 ln LF)
Z Wald Statistics: How to obtain p-value in model
p-value is obtained by dividing the coefficient of the product term by its standard error and then assuming that this quantity is approximately a standard normal or Z variable.
Statistical objectives of model (3)
- test for significance of effect
- point estimate of effect
- confidence interval for effect
Point estimate of effect
A point estimate of the effect of the treatment is provided in the HR column. This value gives the estimated hazard ratio (HR) for the effect of the treatment;
Calculation of confidence interval for effect
- Compute a 95% confidence interval for the regression coefficient of the Rx variable (‘beta’1).
- Exponentiate the two limits obtained for the confidence interval for the regression coefficient of Rx
exp[ ‘beta’1 +/- 1.96 sqrt (Var • ‘beta’1)
Confounding (HR)
Crude versus adjusted HR are meaningfully different.
Adjusted survival curves vs KM curves
Adjusted survival curves are mathe- matically different from Kaplan–Meier (KM) curves. KM curves do not adjust for covariates and, therefore, are not computed using results from a fitted Cox PH model. Adjusted: Adjusted for covariates Use fitted Cox model KM: No covariates No Cox model fitted
The formula for the Cox PH Model
The Cox model formula says that the hazard at time t is the product of two quantities.
The first of these, h0(t), is called the baseline hazard function.
The second quantity is the exponential expression e to the linear sum of ßiXi, where the sum is over the p explanatory X variables.
What is a time-independent variable?
A time-independent variable is defined to be any variable whose value for a given individual does not change over time
Property that makes the Cox model a semiparametric model
The baseline hazard, h0(t), is an unspecified fuction
What is a parametric model?
A parametric model is one whose functional form is completely specified, except for the values of the unknown parameters.
For example, the Weibull hazard model is a parametric model where the unknown parameters are lambda, p, and the ßi’s. Note that for the Weibull model, h0(t) is given by lambda*p*t^(p-1)
Why is the Cox PH model is popular?
Cox PH model is ‘robust’: will closely approximate correct parametric model. (prefer parametric model if sure o correct model; e.g. use goodness-of-fit test.
Measure of effect: hazard ratio (HR) involves only ß’s, without estimating h0(t).
Can estimate h(t,X) and S(t,X) for cox model using a minimum of assumptions.
Cox model prefereed to logistic model:
- uses more information: survival times and censoring
- uses (0, 1) outcome and ignores survival times and censoring.
Why L is a partial likelihood (rather than a complete likelihood)
The term“partial” likelihood is used because the likelihood formula considers probabilities only for those subjects who fail, and d_oes not explicitly consider probabilities for those subjects who are censored._
Thus the likelihood for the Cox model does not consider probabilities for all subjects, and so it is called a “partial” likelihood.
Eq. partial likelihood
The partial likelihood can be written as the product of several likelihoods, one for each of, say, k failure times. Thus, at the f-th failure time, Lf denotes the likelihood of failing at this time, given survival up to this time.
L = L1 x L2 x L3 x … Lk = ΠLj (j = 1 , k)
Cox likelihood based on order of events rather than their distribution