Ch 3 Leadership Skills Flashcards
Belonging to a lower or inferior class or rank; secondary
Subject to the authority or control of another
The 3 U’s:
- Unaware - unaware, or not conscious of what is going on
- Unable - lacking mental, or physical capability or efficiency; incompetent
- Unwilling - resisting authority, or having a defiant attitude (insubordinate)
The three top reasons a person works are:
- Money
- Security
- Self esteem
Acronym for program development
- Plan
- Research
- Develop
- Implement
- Evaluate
What is a trap many people in leadership positions fall into?
Trying to prove that they know more than everyone else
These people will not only want smarter and more talented people on their team, they will actively seek them out.
Smart leaders
These people will become threatened by talented people. Someone performing them or getting credit for a specific job is a blow to their ego or self-esteem. Because of this, they tend to consciously or unconsciously sabotage the efforts of others in an effort to keep from appearing weak.
Positional leaders (those simply with a title, rank or position of authority)
A leader will accomplish far more through this than by taking on 100% of the responsibility of every project and are making the terrible mistake of chronic micromanagement.
This is one of the most important aspects of time management.
And this is an absolute necessity when it comes to an organizations success.
Effective delegation
By doing this, it multiplies your chances of success
(It’s math!)
In order for supervisors to delegate effectively, they first must do this (2)
- Feel secure about their own position
- Understand the talents, skills and abilities of those around them
1) Establish and maintain an environment that is favorable to delegating
2) Select the right person for the job
3) Assure that the person accepting the assignment understands it
4) Keep an open door policy
5) Be prepared to accept and deal with the consequences of the persons actions
6) Always reward performance
6 Tips on how to delegate effectively
You should establish and maintain an environment that is favorable to delegating, and this begins by
Creating team spirit
The five steps of progressive discipline
1) verbal reprimand
2) written reprimand
3) suspension
5) termination
The main reason for a subordinate interview
To determine which of the three U’s you are dealing with (unaware, unable, or unwilling)
Format for Critiquing Others
What is one thing you should start and end the meeting with?
Positives or positive notes
The goal of a fact-finding (informal) interview is: (2)
- To determine what the problem is
- Attempt to develop a solution
What is one of the differences between unable and unwilling?
- Unable, you will have to make your superiors aware of the situation
- Unwilling, must be immediately bumped up the chain of command
After determining the 3 U’s, progressive discipline is next. If, in fact, the issue at hand requires more than “a talk” with the individual in question, the appropriate SOLUTION should be: (p. 108)
Determined by the head of your organization, and only after proper counsel
1) Begin on a positive note
2) Criticize the ACT, not the person
3) Clearly explain what you want and expect
4) Develop a solution together, and agree on it
5) End on a positive note
Format for critiquing others, a.k.a. sandwich technique
This is one of the most dangerous, destructive and counter-productive acts an individual - or group of individuals - can do in the fireground
Occurs when a person works outside of an established action plan
This is a key ingredient, and sometimes the only ingredient, in a recipe for disaster
This term is the worst possible adjective in the world of firefighting, used to describe an individual who consistently neglects their duties, tend to not be where they are supposed to be and is a negative by-product of freelancing
If freelancing occurs on a regular basis, it is likely the ____fault, as it theirs from day one to establish the correct expectations
The organizations
Although there are different theories as to who should shoulder the blame when freelancing occurs, many times when freelancing occurs, it is the result of ____.
Poor communication
This is arguably the best way to train new officers and/or compensate for the inevitable loss of experience, skill and knowledge that occurs when senior members retire and probationary firefighters take their places
If your organization doesn’t have a formal mentorship program, the first step is this
Identify the challenges your department, as a whole, is facing
A critical step in developing a mentorship program is to what?
First admit that you alone do not determine your department’s or company’s success
As a leader, you may choose to personally mentor a specific individual but that isn’t always the case the best option. The author believes the best method is to:
Match experienced firefighters with new recruits
Many experts in the fire service and corporate America believe this is the maximum number of individuals a good mentor can handle before being spread too thin
- 5
(Ideal 1-5 individuals)
This is the least important of the eight things when selecting a mentee
This is the best way to measure the progress of a mentor’s work and is a modern-day form of a progress report.
With respect to mentoring, this first rule cannot be overlooked. In other words, you must have a clear picture of what you want your protégés to become.
Begin with the end in mind
When beginning the process and reaching out to the mentee, making sure everyone is on the same page, or _____, is the key
In regards to mentoring, this is often the best way to equip someone with the desire to improve
Leading by example
Counseling, although similar to mentoring, is different in important ways. In the fire service, counseling is offered when PERSONAL issues affect an individuals work performance. Recognizing when counseling is needed and proactively addressing the issue without ______ requires greater knowledge and skill than an average team leader possesses
Being intrusive
When morale is low, you’ll see signs such as: (4)
Ask SIRI why morale is low
- Sabotage
- Increased absenteeism
- Reduced work ethic
- Increased violence
It’s been said that the Number One cause of low morale in the workplace is what?
When people have to “drag around” dead weight, otherwise known as lazy coworkers no one will discipline
Other than financial security, one of the biggest reasons an individual takes on a job is for what?
The majority of morale-killing problems we have in the fire service revolve around these two things
- Gossip
- Rumors
Recognition is vital but to be effective must be ___, ___, and ____
- Positive
- Sincere
- Timely
According to an article in USA Today, the two most underused words in corporate America are what?
Thank You
What can be a great asset to help a leader express appreciation for an individual’s efforts and contributions to the team?
A Performance Evaluation
What can be contagious, caustic, and Destructive within an organization?
A lack of Discipline
This word is the key when it comes to conducting meetings
- Start on time
- Don’t sit down
- Be prepared
- Be clear and specific
- Stick to the agenda
- Separate and subjugate
- Never end late
7 sure fire strategies to shortening your meetings
When developing a program, there is a comprehensive format that can be used to develop and implement standard operating procedures. The acronym for these five steps can be easily remembered as:
- Plan
- Research
- Develop
- Implement
- Evaluate
Of the PR-DIE administrative format, this stage should be initiated by forming a committee and you should look outside your organization for legal and expert opinions
Plan Research Develop Implement Evaluate
Two actions that should be taken after each of the five steps in the PR-DIE process
1) document what occurred and
2) prepare report for your superior
When doing Research (step 2), call around and see who may already have developed and implemented a successful program. One simple call may provide you with ___ of the information needed.
During which step of PR-DIE does the writing begin?
There are various ways to format what you put down on paper during the Develop stage of PR-DIE. The most effective format is:
An effective SOP includes the following sections (SRPP)
- Scope
- Responsibility
- Purpose
- Procedures and guidelines
What should be done first before implementing an important program?
Evaluating its effectiveness
Step 4 Implement PR-DIE
What is the best way to inform the public of your new program?
A combination (newspaper, TV, brochures, Internet)
These three words are crucial in the fire service, and prevent any chances of making the mistake a year or two after the implementation of a program (RER)
- Review
- Evaluate
- Revise
Step 5 PR-DIE Evaluate
What are three of the subconscious aspects when it comes to making a good presentation regardless of the setting an audience?
1) Voice
2) Body language
3) Appearance
What nonverbal communication is recognizable for nervous, critical, pondering, or listening intently
Hand to cheek
What nonverbal communication is recognizable when someone is having doubt?
Touching/rubbing nose
What is the #1 fear in America? What is #2?
1 - public speaking
2 - death
What is the first thing you should do if you are serious about advancing your career and achieving higher ranks?
Identify the reason or reasons why
The receiver of a message usually takes the blame when things go wrong. In reality, the problem is often times the result of what?
The SENDERS inability to communicate a message property
What are the two things you must do very well if you are in charge at a fire scene (or taking the lead of a major project):
1) give precise directions
2) listen
Concerning communication on the fireground, everyone, including the IC, should spend ____ of his or her time, listening, and ____ percent talking
80% listening
20% talking
Having the opportunity to conduct drills in a structure that you can take apart is priceless, such as vertical and horizontal ventilation, forcible entry, and search and rescue, and is why the fire service exists. Leaders must ___.
Acquire the appropriate tools to train on what they do the most
What are the threes reasons listed as causes of poor report writing? (TUS)
- Lack of TRAINING
- Lack of UNDERSTANDING what a
good report consists of - Poor writing SKILLS
(Corrected with training, format, spellcheck)
Inconsistent or incomplete reports create preventable liability. When are we as a fire service most susceptible to liability?
When we are documenting low frequency incidents such as those that involved fatalities, serious injuries, or major property damage
What are the two reasons reports are written for?
- To educate PEOPLE who are not at
the incident - to help YOU recall incident specifics
What 4 words sum up the goal of a fire service professional?
Do your job right
What two words sum up the goal of a report?
Prove it
What is the greatest challenge a fire service leader will encounter?
ACKNOWLEDGING the fact that he/she will have to combine different PHILOSOPHIES that leaders implement to effectively MANAGE unions and paramilitary organizations
What is the second greatest challenge a fire service leader will encounter?
To develop the SKILLS needed to LEAD union and paramilitary organizations
1st greatest - philosophies to manage
2nd greatest - skills to lead
If someone was to ask you the following question:
Do you feel your talents, skills, and abilities are being utilized correctly ?
There is a good possibility would answer no, and the reason for that is:
Most people in leadership positions never take the time to get to know what the people around them are good at
If you have more talent, skills, and abilities than everyone on your team combined, then what do you have?
Weak team
What is a simple way to help you learn to value the diversity of your team members?
Create a check sheet with talents, skills, and abilities you want and need
If you don’t develop your people and let them feel a little heat today, they end up getting burned when you need them the most. The best way to prevent this is through?
When dealing with subordinates, minor problems are sometimes the byproduct of a personal issue that is surfaced in the individuals life. Who must address problems like this and how must they be addressed?
- Subordinate Firefighters supervising officer
- addressed immediately
Disobedient to authority is the definition of what
15 Basic components of a subordinate interview.
1) gather facts
2) get it in writing
3) schedule a meeting
4) conduct the meeting
5) get the individual side of the story
6) look for an underlying problem
7) determine which of the three U’s you are dealing with (main reason for interview)
8) discuss, progressive discipline
9) develop a solution together and implement it
10) summarize
11) set a follow-up meeting
12) inform the individual of the appeal process
13) end on a positive note
14) document and report
15) monitor and evaluate the individuals progress until the next meeting
When talking of freelancing, we should use what method to get to the root of the problem?
3 U’s
Communicate your expectations regularly. The job of a leader is to provide direction and help keep people focused on their tasks. You will know when someone has fallen off track. Use this if you are unsure.
Follow your gut
What are the six steps to effectively begin mentoring?
1) choose your mentees
2) begin the connecting process
3) begin to equip them (4Step)
4) enable them
5) encourage them
6) inspire and encourage them to be self motivated
Eight proven steps that a leader can take to increase morale
1) praise often and in public
2) set goals
3) Lead by example
4) don’t be a micromanager
5) eliminate problems quickly
6) encourage promotion, and help your members advance in career
7) instill team spirit
8) be consistent and fair
What are two ways to show appreciation?
- Acknowledging deserving accomplishments early
- Establish a time place in more formal method for acknowledging those who perform at a high-level
When you’re speaking, it’s not only your words that people are paying attention to. What are three subconscious aspects?
- Your voice
- Body language
- Appearance
Gesture clusters together will tell you a lot about a person, but when it comes to single gestures, these tend to be the dominant body gesture?
Facial expressions
Listening is one of the most underdeveloped skills in our society. In our industry, ____ is an overworked word, but an underworked act.
Many departments find that they have less time to train on what one of our main focuses should be – structural firefighting. One way for you as a leader to help your organization get back to the basics is by finding:
The proper tools to use as training props
As much as the fire service resembles, the traditions of the military, there is one huge distinguishing component that makes our organization different from the military
Labor unions
In the thick of battle, Firefighters respond well to a leader who can do what 4 things? (AFDA)
- rapidly ASSESS situations
- FORMULATE strategic plans
- Make accurate DECISIONS
- calmly give out ASSIGNMENTS
In which stage of P-R-DIE should delegation happen?
All the stages
(All projects, especially large/manpower intensive ones)
The author encourages anyone in the Fire service who has to take disciplinary action against an individual that goes beyond _____ to consult the governing body and/or seek legal advice before doing so
(p. 104)
A written reprimand
The goal of a fact-finding interview is to determine what the problem is, and attempt to develop a solution. This can only be accomplished after concluding what?
If the individual Unaware, Unable or Unwilling (3U’s)
There will be times when a firefighter will perform an unacceptable level. When these incidents are witnessed and/or brought to your attention, they must be addressed. What will be needed the majority of the time?
Constructive criticism
When minority is dissatisfied and disgruntled, those voices seem to multiply and morale begins to decrease. Take for example, a 100 member organization. If out of 100, you have ____ chronic complainers, ____ happy individuals, and ____who are caught in the middle.
- 10 complainers
- 30 happy
- 60 in the middle
A performance evaluation can be a great asset to help a leader express appreciation for an individuals efforts and contributions to the team. There are two main ways in which performance evaluations can benefit your team:
- They give you an opportunity to
express appreciation - They help ensure accountability
This nonverbal communication is displeasure or confusion
This type of nonverbal communication is fear, envy, or disbelief
Raised eyebrows
What are the types of nonverbal communication, there are two for hiding some thing
- Inability to make eye contact
- Covering your mouth