Ch 3 - Configuration Cmds Flashcards
spanning-tree mode (pvst | rapid-pvst | mst )
configures the version of spanning tree
spanning-tree vlan (vlan_id) root primary
sets current switch as root
spanning-tree vlan (vlan_id) root secondary
sets current switch as secondary root
spanning-tree vlan (vlan_id) priority (priority_value)
changes the bridge priority for this VLAN
spanning-tree vlan (vlan_id) cost (cost)
sets the interface cost for the specified VLAN
spanning-tree vlan (vlan_id) port-priority (priority)
sets the interface priority for the specified VLAN
channel-group (number) mode (auto | desirable) (active | passive) on
interface cmd that configures it for etherchannel
spanning-tree portfast
interface cmd that configures portfast
spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface cmd that configures bpdu-guard on the interface
spanning-tree portfast default
global cmd that sets portfast on all interfaces
spanning-tree portfast bpduguard default
global cmd that sets bpdu-guard on all interfaces
spanning-tree portfast disable
interface cmd that disables portfast
spanning-tree bpduguard disable
interface cmd that disables bpduguard