Ch 3: Attention & Consciousness Flashcards
focused attention
a situation in which individuals try to attend to only one source of information while ignoring other stimuli; also known as selective attention
divided attention
a situation in which two tasks are performed at the same time; also known as multitasking
repeating word for word one auditory message as it is presented while a second auditory message is also presented
split attention
allocation of attention to two (or more) nonadjacent regions of visual space
a disorder of visual attention in which stimuli or parts of stimuli presented to the side opposite the brain damage are undetected and not responded to; the condition resembles extinction but is more severe
cross-modal attention
the coordination of attention across two or more sense modalities (ex: vision and hearing)
ventriloquist illusion
the mistaken perception that sounds are coming from their apparent visual source, as in ventriloquism
rubber hand illusion
the misperception that a rubber hand is one’s own; it occurs when the visible rubber hand is touched at the same time as the individual’s own hidden hand
body swap illusion
the mistaken perception that part or all of someone else’s body is one’s own; it occurs when, for example, shaking hands with someone else while seeing what is happening from the viewpoint of the other person
body size effect
an extension of the body swap illusion in which the size of the body mistakenly perceived to be one’s own influences the perceived size of objects in the environment
a disorder of visual attention in which a stimulus presented to the side opposite the brain damage is not detected when another stimulus is presented at the same time to the same side as the brain damage
face-in-the-crowd effect
the finding that threatening (especially angry) faces can be detected more rapidly among other faces than faces with other expressions
illusory conjunction
mistakenly combining features from two different stimuli to perceive an object that isn’t present
performing two or more tasks at the same time by switching rapidly between them
PRP effect
(psychological refractory period) the slowing of the response to the second of two stimuli when they are presented close together in time
free will
the notion that we freely or voluntarily choose what to do from a number of possibilities; this notion has been challenged by those who claim that nonconscious processes determine our actions
split-brain patients
patients in whom most of the direct links between the two hemispheres have been severed; as a result, they can experience problems in coordinating their processing and behavior
suppression of the processing of stimulus (ex: visual; auditory) by presenting a second stimulus (the one that masks) very soon afterwards