Ch 1: Intro Flashcards
a careful examination and description of one’s own inner mental thoughts and states
an approach to psychology that emphasizes a rigorous experimental approach and the role of conditioning in learning
bottom-up processing
processing that is determined directly by environmental stimuli rather than the individual’s knowledge and expectations
serial processing
this involves only one process occurring at any given moment; that process is completed before the next one starts; opposite of parallel processing
top-down processing
stimulus processing that is determined by expectations, memory, and knowledge rather than directly by the stimulus
parallel processing
two or more processes occurring simultaneously; opposite of serial processing
Stroop effect
the finding that naming the colors in which words are printed takes longer when the words are conflicted color words (like when”red” is printed in green)
ecological validity
the extent to which research findings (especially laboratory ones) can be generalized to the real world
cognitive neuroscience
an approach that aims to understand human cognition by combining information from brain activity and behavior; uses imaging
event-related potentials
the pattern of electroencephalograph (EEG) activity obtained by averaging the brain responses to the same stimulus (or similar stimuli) presented repeatedly
functional specialization
the assumption (only partially correct) that cognitive functions (like color or face processing) occur in specific brain regions
a structural alteration caused by disease or injury
the assumption that the cognitive system consists of several fairly independent or separate modules or processors, each of which is specialized for a given type of processing (like face processing)
as applied to brain-damaged patients, intact performance on one task but severely impaired performance on a different task
double dissociation
the finding that some individuals (often brain-damaged) have intact performance on one task but poor performance on another task, whereas other individuals exhibit the opposite pattern
transcranial magnetic stimulation
(TMS) a technique in which magnetic pulses briefly disrupt the functioning of a given brain area, thus creating a short-lived lesion; several rapid pulses is repetitive TMS (rTMS)
computational modeling
constructing computer programs that will stimulate or mimic some aspects of human cognitive functioning
a form of statistical analysis based on combining the findings from numerous studies on a given issue