Ch 3? Flashcards
What is the essential quality of being female/male?
Is there a quality that seperates men and women and explains the essentialism pattern?
What is the essential element of women or man??
Nothing, without gender essentialism men and women would exist the same. The only difference would be a sex difference
A generalization (completely error)
As long as the mantle of fear is passed down to women we continue to perpetuate the cycle of rapeability that all women experience
A system of thinking, practices and social structures that favors men
Structures that are patriarchal
Rape fear
A function to control women so they fear that they could be raped at any time
Sharon Marcus
Argues that the state has an ideology of citizenship that is patriarchal
Rape and rape fear is a key place understand the dynamic
The state doesn’t protect women from rape/rapists
Ideology directs our fears toward the least likely form and away from the most common forms
“Common sense” solutions are patriarchal
(Women must take cautionary steps while men’s behavior is not examined)
Inadequate CJS are understood to be normal
Law and culture in woman battering
Gender neutral language creates and ideology of a gender-neutral impact
Lombroso (Atavism)
Said that woman had lower rates of crime was because they were less evolved. Says his claims are rooted in biology
Psychological Theories
W.I. Thomas (1907) the “maladjusted girl” needs love
Female deviance=prostitution
Male deviance is more complex
Essentialism, economics, and power
Sigmund Freud and Penis Envy
- Sex, pain and power
- Crime as aggression
- Depression: result of poor
gender socialization
Masked Crime/Chivalry
Otto Pollack (1950’s)
- Men and women are equally criminal
- Some crime is “masked”
- Lacks empirical evidence
Strain Therory
Thomas Merton
-Same aspiration and groomed to the same set of goals, but different access
- Usually a theory of social class
- How could this fit gender? [The theory falls apart when you add women]
Albert Cohen
- Explicitly addressed gender
- Looks at how masculinity connects to crime
- But, limits the discussion of deviance for girls to sex
- The acts that are deviant for girls like promiscuity are not deviant for men
Maybe strain theory can be improved when we add the idea of opportunity
-Does a person’s gender impact one’s opportunity?
Guys have the opportunity to do delinquency since they have the access
Wider social networks, more likely to hang out with delinquent peers, more likely to face conflict at a time when judgement is well developed, more likely to be subject to peer pressure, have the opportunity to address conflict through violence
-Young women because of their gendered structure time don’t have the exposure to peer pressure or conflict resolution because of their limited time
-Bottcher (1995, 2001) sibling studies
Strain Theory (continuted)
Agnew (1980’s-90’s)
- Expands beyond economic focus
- Adds psychological components
- The more unjust, severe, lasting and central that strain is, the greater the likelihood of criminal involvement
- How can we relate this to gender?
Agnew’s self-critique
- Problem with empirical support