Ch. 27 Flashcards
patent ductus arterious
- allows mixing between the pulmonary artery and aorta as it is a passageway between these two major vessels
patent foramen ovale
- a hole between the two atriums
- it allows mixing blood between the two right and left atrium
an alteration in rhythm of the heartbeat in either time or force
enlargement of the heart
a movement disorder marked by involuntary spasmodic movements especially of the limbs and facial muscles and typically symptomatic of neurological dysfunction (such as that associated with a neurodegenerative disease or metabolic disturbance)
bulbous enlargement of the tip with convex overhanging nail
to peel off in scales
difficult or labored breathing
heart failure
a condition in which the heart is unable to pump blood at an adequate rate or in adequate volume
deficient supply of blood to a body part (such as the heart or brain) that is due to obstruction of the inflow of arterial blood
abnormal enlargement of the lymph nodes
an atypical sound of the heart typically indicating a functional or structural abnormality
difficulty in breathing that occurs when lying down and is relieved upon changing to an upright position (as in congestive heart failure)
a condition marked by an abnormal increase in the number of circulating red blood cells
relatively rapid heart action whether physiological (as after exercise) or pathological
abnormally rapid breathing : increased rate of respiration
inflammation of a blood or lymph vessel
cardiac glycoside
- used to treat heart failure (CHF), SVTs, dysrhythmias
- aids in contractibility of the heart
- very small therapeutic level: 0.8-2.0ng/ml
- peak and trough levels apply due to narrow therapeutic - toxic range
loop diuretic
- given to relieve swelling/edema/fluid retention caused by CHF
potassium-sparing diuretic
- given to relieve HTN caused by CHF
prostaglandin E
synthetic prostaglandin
- given to keep the PDA open with coarc
prostaglandin inhibitor
give for PDA closure
ACE inhibitor
intravenous immunoglobulin: pooled antibody
digoxin s/sx of toxicity
- N/V
- diarrhea
- bradycardia (if HR is <90 infant <70 child or <60 adolescent, hold dose and contact HCP)
- give digiband for toxicity
digoxin dosing and measuring
therapeutic level: 0.8-2.0
avoid administering with meals
give PO 1hr before or 2hr after meal
give regularly Q12h,
if dose was missed by 4h, do not give med and administer next scheduled dose; if child misses two doses in a role- call HCP (HF may come back due to missed doses)
do not repeat dose if child vomits
what lab values affect digoxin?
hypokalemia (<3.5)
- increase dig level
hearts position in the chest
horizontal compared to adult until age 7
- apex is higher until age 7
- as heart and lungs grow downward placement of apex
which ventricle functionally dominates in the begin weeks of life?
the right ventricle
children have ___ baseline heart rates than adults
innocent murmurs
heard in the 2nd and 3rd ICS
- disappear with changes in movement
- exacerbate with fever, stress, exercise, anemia
children have __ CO compared to adults
assessment of cardiac output
- color
- skin
- perfusion
- level of consciousness
- breathing
- position of comfort
children are able to manage their CO by ____
increasing their heart rate
AR and RR increase with ____
- stress
- anxiety
hypotension is a ___ indicator of cardiac decomposition
hypotension by systolic BP
neonate: < 60mmHg
infants (1-12m): < 70mmHg
children (1-10y): < 70mmHg + (age in years x2) mmHg
children (>10y): < 90mmHg
5 areas to listen to the heart
erb’s point
indicators of cardiac dysfunction
- poor feeding
- tachycardia/tachypnea
- FTT/poor weight gain/activity intolerance
- developmental delays
- prenatal hx: some risk factors include rubella exposure, alcoholism, DM, lupus, advanced maternal age, teratogenic meds: Dilantin
- family hx of cardiac disease
- co-exists with syndromes such as down’s
physical assessment findings of cardiac dysregulation
- Tachycardia (know approximate normal ranges for age)
- Decreased peripheral perfusion (cool, clubbing, <CR, weak pulses)
- Murmurs
- Thrills, Heaves
- Enlarged heart with possible deformed chest
- Dysrythmias
- Pulmonary congestion – HF (heart failure) or CHF
- Respiratory distress
- Polycythemia
- Anoxic spells
types of dysrythmias
- bradycardia
- tachycardia
- normal sinus arrhythmia (increase with inspiration) and physiologic splitting (blow away)
cardiac testing: cardiac catheter
- a test or treatment for certain heart or blood vessel problems, such as clogged arteries or irregular heartbeats.
- It uses a thin, hollow tube called a catheter. The tube is guided through a blood vessel to the heart
cardiac testing: pulse oximetry
the amount of oxygen in the body
cardiac testing: labs
cardiac testing: EKG
records the electrical signals from the heart. It shows how the heart is beating
cardiac testing: ECHO
ultrasound pictures of the heart
cardiac testing: CXR
detect presence of calcium in heart and blood vessels
- Its presence may indicate fats and other substances in your vessels, damage to your heart valves, coronary arteries, heart muscle or the protective sac that surrounds the heart
cardiac assessment post-cardiac catheterization
- pulses distal to insertion site
- temp and color of extremity
- VS q15 min
- monitor hypotension
- HR: heart sounds, bradycardia, dysthymias
- monitor s/ bleeding, if bleeding apply pressure 1” above insertion site
- keep extremity still/bed rest for 4-8h, work with family and involve parent to maintain child extremity straight
d/c teaching for parent post cardiac catheterization
- quiet activity up to 3 days after procedure
- have a shower or sponge bath verses bath tub emersion
- check temp 1x/day for 3 days; 100.5+ report to PCP
- keep dressing on post procedure
- check color/temperature of extremity in comparison
- changes in skin color or temperature, or flutter in chest- report to PCP
- acetaminophen and ibuprofen for pain
- come back for FUP
CP monitor- If a 5 lead set is used: order of placement
RA=right arm (placed under the right clavicle MCL, white)
RL=right lower/leg (placed on the right lower abdomen, green)
LA=left arm (placed under the left clavicle MCL, gray)
LL=left lower/leg (placed on the left lower abdomen, red)
V1=ventricular lead (placed at the 4th ICS right sternal border, brown)
CP monitor- If a 3 lead set is used: order of placement
RA=right arm (placed under the right clavicle MCL, white)
LA=left arm (placed under the left clavicle MCL, gray)
LL=left leg (placed on the left lower abdomen, red)
normal ECG: P wave
depolarization of atria in response to SA node triggering
normal ECG: PR interval
delay of AV node to allow filling of ventricles
normal ECG: QRS complex
depolarization of ventricles, triggers main pumping contractions