Ch. 24 (Sect. 1 And Select Words) Flashcards
A form of high-energy electromagnetic radiation
Isotope of an atom with an unstable nucleus
Penetrating Power
The ability of radiation to pass through matter
Strong nuclear force
Force that acts on subatomic particles that are extremely close together and overcomes the electrostatic repulsion among protons
Radioactive Decay Series
A series of nuclear reactions that begin with an unstable nucleus and results in the formation of a stable nucleus
The time required for one-half of a radioisotope’s nucleus to decay into its products
Radiochemical Dating
The process of determining the age of an object by measuring the amount of a certain radioisotope remaining in that object
Nuclear Fission
The splitting of a nucleus into fragments
Critical Mass
A sample that is massive enough to sustain a chain reaction
Nuclear Fusion
The combining of atomic nuclei
Thermonuclear Reaction
Another name for fusion reactions because of the energy between the nuclei in the reaction
Ionizing Radiation
Radiation that is energetic enough to ionize matter with which it collides
A radioisotope that emits non-ionizing radiation and is used to signal the presence of an element or specific substance