Ch 23 Vocabulary Flashcards
hōra, hōrae,
f. hour (hour)
mēnsis, mēnsis,
m. month (menstrual)
mors, mortis,
f. death (mortician)
pecūnia, ae,
f. money (pecuniary: relating to or consisting of money)
pretium, ī,
n. price
coniungō, coniungere, coniūnxī, coniūnctum
to unite, join together (conjugate)
obtineō, obtinēre, obtinuī, obtentum
to hold on, posses (obtain)
pereō, perīre, periī, peritum
to die (perish)
stō, stāre, stetī, statum
(price + Dat.) to cost
vēndō, vēndere, vēndidī, vēnditum
to sell (vendor)
vertō, vertere, vertī, versum
to turn (convert)
altus, a, um
2-1-2 adj. high, deep (altitude)
mīlle (p. mīlia)
3 adj. thousand (mile, millennium: a period of a thousand years)
minimus, a, um
2-1-2 adj. least, very little (minimal)
paucī, paucae, pauca, pl.
(pl. only) 2-1-2 adj. few, a few (paucity: the presence of something only in small or insufficient quantities)
pauper, pauperis
3 adj. poor, a poor man (poverty, pauper: a very poor person)
plūrimus, a, um
2-1-2 adj. most, very much (plural)
Proximus, a um
2-1-2 adj. next, near (approximate)
vīlis, vīle
3-3 adj. cheap (vile, vilify)