Ch. 22 - Real Estate Math Flashcards
To determine the _______, you would divide the cost of the building by the number of years of its economic life and the result is the annual ______ amount.
______ is the amount that a property increases over time due to inflation, supply and demand, capital improvements and other factors.
Multiply the property’s original value by the percent of appreciation.
Add the result to the original value = Appreciation
These charges are designed to offset any losses the lender might suffer when selling the loan to the secondary mortgage market. ______ _____ are a means of raising the effective interest rate of the loan.
Discount points
The rule of thumb is 1/8 percent for each discount point.
ex. 4 points x 1/8 percent = 4/8 = .50 percent
7. 25 + .50 = 7.75 percent
_____ represent prepaid interest and the lender charges them to get additional income on the loan. They are paid at closing and are usually equal to 1 percent of the loan amount.
An acre of land has ______ square feet
A hectare is a metric measurement. It is equal to 10,000 square meters or approximately ___ acres.
2.47 acres
How do you find a homeowner’s income ratio?
Divide total house payment by gross monthly income
How do you find a homeowner’s debt ratio?
Divide total monthly debt by gross monthly income