Ch. 22, 23, 32-35 Flashcards
vascular plant tissue that transports water and dissolved minerals away from the roots throughout the plant and is composed of vessel elements and tracheids
vascular plant tissue composed of sieve tube members and companion cells that conducts dissolved sugars and other organic compounds from the leaves and stems to the roots and from the roots to the leaves and stems
response to an external stimulus in a specific direction
specialized plant/tissue used for transporting water, food, or other substances throughout the organism
asexual reproduction in which new plants grow from parts of an existing plant
vegetative reproduction
flower organ that protects the bud
colorful flower structure that attracts pollinators and provides them a landing place
flower’s female reproductive organ; it is usually composed of a stigma, a style, and an ovary
male reproductive organ of most flowers composed of a filament and an anther
process in which a seed’s embryo begins to grow
process by which pollen is transferred from the anther to the stigma of the plant, causing reproduction
dermal tissue that makes up a plant’s outer covering; in humans and some other animals, the outer superficial layer of skin made up of epithelial cells
muscle that lines many hollow internal organs, such as the stomach and uterus
smooth muscle
involuntary muscle found only in the heart
cardiac muscle
striated muscle that causes movement when contracted and is attached to bones by tendons
skeletal muscle
tough connective tissue band that attaches bone to bone
living bone cell
cell that carries nerve impulses throughout the body and is composed of a cell body, an axon, and dendrites
neuron structure that receives nerve impulses from other neurons and transmits them to the cell body
gap between one neuron’s axon and another neuron’s dendrite
neuron structure that transmits nerve impulses from the cell body to other neurons and muscles
consists of the brain and spinal cord and coordinates all of the body’s activities
central nervous system
consists of sensory and motor neurons that transmit information to and from the central nervous system
peripheral nervous system
elastic, thick-walled blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood away from the heart
microscopic, one-cell-wall thick blood vessel where exchange of materials occurs between blood and body cells
blood vessel that carries deoxygenated blood back to the heart
bean-shaped, excretory system organ that filters out wastes, water, and salts from the blood and maintains blood pH
mechanical movement of air into and out of the lungs
in the lung, a thin-walled air sac surrounded by capillaries
physical breakdown of food that occurs when food is chewed into smaller pieces and then churned by the stomach and small intestine
mechanical digestion
chemical breakdown of food by digestive enzymes such as amylase into smaller molecules that cells can absorb
chemical digestion
hormone-producing gland that releases its product into the bloodstream
endocrine gland
endocrine gland located at the base of the brain; called the “master gland” because it regulates many body functions
pituitary gland
substance, such as estrogen, that is produced by an endocrine gland and acts on target cells
hormone produced by the pancreas that works with glucagon to maintain the level of sugar in the blood