Ch 20 - Carbonyl Chem, Organometallic Reagents, Oxi & Red Flashcards
General reactions of 2 carbonyl classes?
- aldehydes & ketones: nucleophilic addn
* with LG: nucleophilic substitution (Nu replaces Z)
Two classes of carbonyl compounds? (and types in each class)
- only C & H bonded to carbonyl C (aldehydes, ketones - NO LG)
- EN atom bonded to carbonyl C (carboxylic acids, acid chlorides, esters, amides)
Steps of nucleophilic addn to aldehydes & ketones?
1) nucleophilic attack at carbonyl C (Nu = H- or C-)
2) protonation of carbonyl O by water
Steps of nucleophilic substitution of RCOZ?
1) nucleophilic attack at carbonyl C (Nu = H- or C-)
2) loss of LG (Z)
Order of reactivity of RCOZ compounds?
(best) acid chlorides➡carboxylic acids & esters➡amides (worst)
3 main redox reaction?
- red aldehydes & ketones ➡alcohols (primary for aldehydes, secondary for ketones)
- red RCOZ➡aldehydes or primary alcohols
- oxi aldehydes➡carboxylic acids
Metal reagents used to reduce aldehydes & ketones?
• NaBH4 - more selective
• LiAlH4 - more reactive
C=C bonds inert
Catalytic hydrogenation of aldehydes and ketones (red): reagents? Effects?
- H2/Pd-C
* reduces C=C faster than C=O (both reduced w/excess H2➡alcohols)
Stereochemistry of hydride red of achiral ketone?
Racemic mix of 2 alcohols (new stereogenic ctr formed, H behind & H in front, vice versa w/OH ➡ 2 enantiomers)
Activity of metal hydride reagents in RCOZ red?
- NaBH4 - not used (selective for aldehydes and ketones)
- LiAlH4 - gives 2 H-, more reactive➡alcohols
- R2AlH (DIBAL-H) - gives one H-, less reactive➡aldehydes
- LiAlH(OR)3 - gives one H-, less reactive➡aldehydes
Steps of acid chloride & ester red mechanism? 1)➡aldehyde, 2)➡primary alcohol
1) nucleophilic substitution - attack of Nu at carbonyl C, loss of LG
2) nucleophilic addn - Nu attack at carbonyl C, protonation of carbonyl O by water
Reagents for red of carboxylic acids➡primary alcohols & amides➡amines?
Both C-O bonds red➡C-H bonds
Reagents used to oxi aldehydes to carboxylic acids?
- CrO3/H2SO4, H2O
- Na2Cr2O7/H2SO4, H2O
- Ag2O/NH4OH - selectively oxi aldehydes if compound contains other FGs
3 types of organometallic reagents? Materials used to form them?
- R-Li (organolithium) - more reactive; RX + 2Li
- R-Mg-X (Grignard) - more reactive; RX + Mg
- R2CuLi (organocuprates) - less reactive; 2RLi + CuI
Ways to form acetylide anions from terminal alkynes?
- H extraction w/NaH➡acetylide anion + Na+ + H2
* H extraction w/CH3Li➡acetylide anion + Li+ + CH4